Final Degree Audit/Graduation Clearance Policy
The following policy has been approved and will enable Office of the Registrar staff to certify and distribute diplomas, with appropriate honors, to as many degree candidates as possible at commencement.
May 2020
Only those students who pass the final degree audit on the first attempt (May 6, 2020) will receive diplomas at commencement. Grades for all degree candidates and graduation clearance checks for undergraduate students will be available Thursday, May 7, 2020, after 10 p.m. This information may be accessed at on the "My Record" tab. A list of master's and doctoral degree candidates who have not cleared for graduation will be available Friday, May 8, 2020 at the Office of Graduate Studies, or by calling 409.740.4937.
For students failing the final degree audit for the graduation ceremony:
All degree candidates who were enrolled in all remaining degree requirements during the semester, in which the graduation is being held, will be allowed to participate in commencement regardless of whether they pass the final audit on May 6. Candidates who fail the final audit will not receive a diploma at commencement.
Students may go to the MAIN Academic Complex, Suite 108, or email inquiries to Diplomas will not be distributed until Monday, May 11. After this date diplomas will be available to degree candidates after the diploma is conferred by Texas A&M University.
Degree candidates not clearing for graduation on May 6 will have until 5 p.m. the first Friday of the following semester (May 29, 2020) to clear all degree requirements. Candidates not cleared by this date must reapply for graduation for a future term and pay the diploma fee again.
Financial Obligations
In addition to diplomas being withheld at commencement for candidates who do not pass the final degree audit, diplomas are also withheld from graduates who have failed to settle all financial obligations with the university in accordance with university and state rules. Students may review their account balance online to determine if there are any unsettled obligations that may prevent receiving their diplomas in the commencement ceremonies.
Diploma Information
If a student does not receive a diploma at commencement, normally he or she may pick up the diploma at the Office of Student Enrollment Services located in the MAIN Academic Complex beginning the Monday following commencement. Diplomas requested to be mailed will normally be mailed on the Wednesday following commencement. Diplomas not picked up or requested to be mailed within one calendar year of the graduation date printed on the diploma will be destroyed. After a diploma has been destroyed, the student is responsible for the replacement cost.
Official TAMU transcript orders may placed be online at Call 409.740.4414 or email for additional information.