Ph.D. Transport Geography, University of Montreal, 1994
M.S. Geography, University of Montreal, 1991
B.S. Geography, University of Montreal, 1989
Jean-Paul Rodrigue
Department of Maritime Business Administration

Learn more about Jean-Paul Rodrigue
- Get To Know
Jean-Paul Rodrigue
What in your life drew you to your current field of study?
A keen interest in transportation, a passionate Ph.D. supervisor, commitment, diligence, excellent collaborators, a complex series of random events, and a bit of luck.
What do you hope your students gain from studying or working with you?
A world-class perspective on transportation and economics as they relate to logistics and global freight distribution, particularly maritime transport systems and logistics, global supply chains, gateways, and transport corridors.
What are you passionate about in your personal life?
Personal life is personal and revealed only to friends and colleagues.
- Education
- Courses TaughtMARA 205: Introduction to Ships and ShippingMARA 616: Management of Port Facilities and Infrastructure
- Publications
- Rodrigue, J-P, (2024) The Geography of Transport System, Sixth Edition, London: Routledge, in press.
- Rodrigue, J-P, J. Verny, O. Oulmakki and N. Jbili (2023) “Container shortages under the covid-19 pandemic: the role of digital technologies”, Transportation Research Procedia, Vol. 72, pp. 3769-3776.
- Oulmakki, O., J-P Rodrigue, A. Hernandez Meza and J. Verny (2023) “The implications of Chinese investments on Mediterranean trade and maritime hubs”. J. shipp. trd. 8, 28.
- Rodrigue, J-P (2022) “Home-Based Parcel Deliveries: Consumer and Logistics Patterns from Retail Digitalization”, Case Studies on Transport Policy.
- Notteboom, T., A. Pallis and J-P Rodrigue (2022) Port Economics, Management and Policy, London: Routledge.
- Notteboom, T. and J-P Rodrigue (2022) “Maritime Container Terminal Infrastructure, Network Corporatization, and Global Terminal Operators: Implications for International Business Policy”, Journal of International Business Policy.
- Rodrigue, J-P (2022) “The Vulnerability and Resilience of the Global Container Shipping Industry”, invited contribution, annual Global Trends issue, Current History, 121 (831), pp. 17-23. University of California Press.
- UNCTAD (2022) Building Capacity to Manage Risks and Enhance Resilience: A Guidebook for Ports, UNCTAD/TCS/DTL/INF/2022/3, 135 pages. Lead consultant.
- Notteboom, T., A. Pallis and J-P Rodrigue (2021) “Disruptions and Resilience in Global Container Shipping and Ports: The COVID-19 Pandemic vs the 2008-2009 Financial Crisis”, Maritime Economics and Logistics (invited paper).
- Rodrigue, J-P and T. Notteboom (2021) “Automation in Container Port Systems and Management”, TR News, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, No. 334, pp. 20-26.
- Rodrigue, J-P, (2020) The Geography of Transport Systems, Fifth Edition, London: Routledge. 456 pages. ISBN: 978-0-367-36463-2.
- Rodrigue, J-P (2020) “The Geography of Maritime Ranges: Interfacing Global Maritime Shipping Networks with Hinterlands”, Geojournal.
- Rodrigue, J-P and G.W.Y. Wang (2020) “Cruise Shipping Supply Chains and the Impacts of Disruptions: The Case of the Caribbean”, Research in Transportation Business and Management.
- Rodrigue, J-P (2020) “The Distribution Network of Amazon: Analyzing the Footprint of Freight Digitalization”, Journal of Transport Geography, Vol. 88. (Fleming Lecture Paper).
- Rodrigue, J-P, T. Notteboom and J. Shaw (2013) (eds) The Sage Handbook of Transport Studies, London: Sage. 592 pages. ISBN: 978-1-849-20789-8.
- Rodrigue, J-P (2021) “Transport Modes and Globalization”. In: Vickerman, Roger (eds.) International Encyclopedia of Transportation vol 5. pp. 38-44. United Kingdom: Elsevier Ltd.
- Rodrigue, J-P (2019) The Expanded Panama Canal: Initial Impacts on North American Ports, Policy Integration and Research, Strategic Policy and Innovation Policy Group, Transport Canada.
- Kolar, P. and J-P Rodrigue (2018) “Container Port Selection by Freight Forwarders in Central and Eastern Europe Hinterland: the Case of the Czech Republic”, International Journal of Maritime Science & Technology, No. 3, pp. 1-7.
- Ford, P. and J-P Rodrigue (2018) “The pressure for scale – mega-ships reignite Canada east coast port competition”, Journal of Commerce, May.
- Lavissière, A. and J-P Rodrigue (2017) “Free Ports: Towards a Network of Trade Gateways”, Journal of Shipping and Trade, Vol 2, No. 7.
- Rodrigue, J-P, L. Dablanc and G. Giuliano (2017) “The Freight Landscape: Convergence and Divergence in Urban Freight Distribution”, Journal of Transport and Land Use, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 557-572.
- Rodrigue, J-P (2017) “The Governance of Intermediacy: The Insertion of Panama in the Global Liner Shipping Network”, Research in Transportation Business and Management, Vol. 22, pp. 21-26.
- Witte, P., B. Wiegmans and J-P Rodrigue (2017) “Competition or Complementarity in European Inland Port Development: A Case of Overproximity?”, Journal of Transport Geography, Vol. 60, pp. 80-88.
- Dablanc, L. and J-P Rodrigue (2017) “The Geography of Urban Freight”, in G. Giuliano and S. Hanson (eds) The Geography of Urban Transportation, 4th Edition, New York: The Guilford Press. pp. 34-56.
- Rodrigue, J-P (2013) “Urban Goods Transport”, in UNHABITAT “Planning and Design for Sustainable Urban Mobility: Global Report on Human Settlements 2013”, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, London: Earthscan.
- Rodrigue, J-P and A. Ashar (2016) “Transshipment Hubs in the New Panamax Era: The Role of the Caribbean”, Journal of Transport Geography, No. 51, pp. 270-279.
- Monios, J., G. Wilmsmeier and J-P Rodrigue (2015) “Drivers for Outside-In Port Hinterland Integration in Latin America: The Case of Veracruz, Mexico”, Research in Transportation Business and Management, Vol. 14, pp. 34-43.
- Parola, F. T. Notteboom, G. Satta and J-P Rodrigue (2015) “The Impact of Multiple-site Acquisitions on Corporate Growth Patterns of International Terminal Operators”, International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, Vol. 7, No. 5, pp. 621-635.
- Rodrigue, J-P and T. Notteboom (2015) “Looking Inside the Box: Evidence from the Containerization of Commodities and the Cold Chain”, Maritime Policy and Management, Vol. 42, No. 3, pp. 207-227.
- Pallis, A.A., J-P Rodrigue, and T. Notteboom (2014) “Cruises and Cruise Ports: Structures and Strategies”, Editorial, Research in Transportation Business and Management, Vol. 13, pp. 1-5.
- Guerrero, D. and J-P Rodrigue (2014) “The Waves of Containerization: Shifts in Global Maritime Transportation”, Journal of Transport Geography, Vol. 35, pp. 151-164.
- Rodrigue, J-P, J. Cooper and O. Merk (2014) The Competitiveness of Ports in Emerging Markets: The Case of Durban, South Africa, International Transportation Forum, Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
- Parola, F. T. Notteboom, G. Satta and J-P Rodrigue (2013) “Analysis of Factors Underlying Foreign Entry Strategies of Terminal Operators in Container Ports”, Journal of Transport Geography, Vol. 33, pp. 72-84.
- Rodrigue, J-P and T. Notteboom (2013) “The Geography of Cruises: Itineraries, not Destinations”, Applied Geography, Vol. 38, pp. 31-42.
- Rodrigue, J-P and T. Notteboom (2012) “Dry Ports in European and North American Intermodal Rail Systems: Two of a Kind?”, Research in Transportation Business & Management, Vol. 5, pp. 4-15.
- Rodrigue, J-P (2012) “The Geography of Global Supply Chains: Evidence from Third Party Logistics”, Journal of Supply Chain Management, special issue on “Global Sourcing: Other Voices”, Vol. 48, No. 3, pp. 15-23.
- Notteboom, T. and J-P Rodrigue (2012) “The Corporate Geography of Global Container Terminal Operators”, Maritime Policy and Management, Vol. 39, No. 3, pp. 249-279.
- Rodrigue, J-P, T. Notteboom and A. Pallis (2011) “The Financialization of the Terminal and Port Industry: Revisiting Risk and Embeddedness”, Maritime Policy and Management. Vol 38, No. 2, pp. 191-213.
- Rodrigue, J-P and T. Notteboom (2010) “Comparative North American and European Gateway Logistics: The Regionalism of Freight Distribution”, Journal of Transport Geography, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 497-507.
- Rodrigue, J-P, J. Debrie, A. Fremont and E. Gouvernal (2010) “Functions and Actors of Inland Ports: European and North American Dynamics”, Journal of Transport Geography, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 519-529.
- Rodrigue, J-P and T. Notteboom (2009) “The Terminalization of Supply Chains: Reassessing the Role of Terminals in Port / Hinterland Logistical Relationships”, Maritime Policy and Management, Vol. 36, No. 2, pp. 165-183.
- Notteboom, T. and J-P Rodrigue (2008) “Containerization, Box Logistics and Global Supply Chains: The Integration of Ports and Liner Shipping Networks”, Maritime Economics & Logistics, Vol. 10, No. 1-2, pp. 152-174.
- Notteboom, T. and J-P Rodrigue (2005) “Port Regionalization: Towards a New Phase in Port Development”, Maritime Policy and Management, Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 297-313.
- Hesse, M. and J-P Rodrigue (2004) “The Transport Geography of Logistics and Freight Distribution”, Journal of Transport Geography, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 171-184.
- Presentations
- (2023) “The Transport Geography of E-commerce: Amazon’s Distributional Hierarchy”, Finisterra Annual Lecture, University of Lisbon, (Portugal).
- (2023) “The Regionalization of Port-City Relationships: An Assessment for Cruise Ports”, with C. Galvao, International Association of Maritime Economists, Long Beach (USA).
- (2023) “The Footprint of Container Terminals: A Look at Terminal Layouts”, International Association of Maritime Economists, Long Beach (USA).
- (2023) “Port Authority Mergers as Instruments of Port Governance Regionalization”, with A. Pallis, International Association of Maritime Economists, Long Beach (USA).
- (2023) “Resilience Capabilities of Ports and Maritime Supply Chains”, 16th World Conference on Transport Research, Montreal (Canada).
- (2023) “The Freight Landscape of Container Terminals: Automation and Yard Configuration”, 16th World Conference on Transport Research, Montreal (Canada).
- (2023) “Port-Centric Logistics: Development Strategies”, Peer Learning Group (PLG) meeting of the Production Transformation Policy Review of Togo, OECD, Paris (France, Remote presentation).
- (2023) “Urban Logistics Hubs and Real Estate Economics: Evidence from Ecommerce”, International Transport Forum roundtable on Urban Logistics Hubs, Paris (France, Remote presentation).
- (2023) “Les chaînes d’approvisionnement mondiales et le futur du travail / Global Supply Chains and the Future of Work”, UNIFOR, National Transportation Conference, Port Elgin (Canada).
- (2023) “Ports and Maritime Supply Chains Risk and Resilience”, Governing Green Shipping Transformation: Pathways to Maritime Sustainability, Vancouver (Canada).
- (2023) “The Maritime Economy in 2022: Moving Away from the Great Entanglement”, Autoridad Portuaria de Valencia (Remote presentation).
- (2023) “The Resilience of Ports and Maritime Supply Chains: Concepts and Risks”, Inha Logistics Research Group Spring 2023 Lecture Series, (Incheon, Remote presentation).
- (2023) “The Distributional Places Theory of E-commerce”, Fleming Lecture in Transport Geography, American Association of Geographers, Denver (USA).
- (2023) “The Footprint of E-commerce and the Distribution Network of Amazon”, Mosbacher Institute for Trade, Economics, and Public Policy, Texas A&M Energy Institute, College Station (USA).
- (2022) “Digitalization as a Maritime Innovation Paradigm”, Busan International Port Conference (BIPC 2022), Busan (South Korea).
- (2022) “Container Terminals and the Footprint of Globalization”, International Association of Maritime Economists, Busan (South Korea).
- (2022) “Port Governance Regionalization: Types, Drivers, Impediments & Implications of Port Authorities Mergers”, with A. Pallis, International Association of Maritime Economists, Busan (South Korea).
- (2022) “The Great Post-Covid Entanglement”, KMI-KSA Foreign Scholar Invitation Seminar, International Association of Maritime Economists, Busan (South Korea).
- (2022) “Challenges in a New Maritime World”, 2022 FIATA World Congress, (Busan, South Korea, Panelist).
- Grants and Fellowships
List Grants and Fellowships:
- Hagler Institute for Advanced Study / Department of Maritime Administration, Texas A&M University, Distinguished Fellow.
- 2017, Collegium of Lyon, University of Lyon, Distinguished Fellow.
- 2014-15, Joint Institute of Transport and Logistics, Chongqing University, Visiting Professor.
- 2011-2012, IFSTTAR (Institut français des sciences et technologies des transports, de l’aménagement et des réseaux), SPLOTT (Systèmes Productifs, Logistique, Organisation des Transports, et Travail) research unit. Visiting Professor.
- Awards & Recognition
- (2019) Edward L. Ullman Award for outstanding contribution to the field of transport geography by the American Association of Geographers.
- (2001) PricewaterhouseCoopers award for the best French business-related book published in North America.
- Professional Appointments
List Professional Appointments:
- (2023-) Transportation Research Board, National Academy of Sciences, Committee Member, Best Practices for the Efficient Supply of Chassis for Transporting Intermodal Containers.
- (2021-) United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Lead Consultant
- (2013-18) Advisory Board of the US Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point. Appointment by the Secretary of Transportation.
- (2016-) World Bank, Trade and Competitiveness Global Practice, Senior Consultant.
- (2016-18) Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Directorate for Financial and Enterprise Affairs, Senior Consultant
- (2011-16) World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council on the Future of Manufacturing.
- Graduate Students
- Carla A. Tejada (2023) “Urban Freight Transportation: The Interactions of Home Deliveries in Cities”, The City of University of New York. Member of the PhD thesis jury.
- Paul Wayne Wright (2023) “The Global Logistics Hub: Problems, Perceptions and Possibilities for Jamaica”, The University of the West Indies. Member of the PhD thesis jury.
- Kosowska-Stamirowska, Zuzanna (2019) “Évolution et robustesse du reseau maritime mondial : une approche par les systèmes complexes” Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France. Member of the PhD thesis jury.
- Lavissiere, Alexandre (2014) “Free Ports of the 21st century, a logistic approach of the phenomenon” KEDGE Business School, Marseille, France. Member of the PhD thesis jury.
- Potter, Cuz (2010) “Boxed In: How Intermodalism Enabled Destructive Interport Competition”, School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation, Columbia University, Member of the PhD thesis jury.
- Lee, Jung Yoon (2005-06) Supervision of Ph.D. Student from the Seoul National University, Korea, as a visiting scholar. Project: logistical platforms and freight corridors in Pacific Asia. Successful completion of PhD in 2006.
Contact Info
Jean-Paul Rodrigue
Department of Maritime Business Administration
Phone: +1 (409) 740-4978
Fax: +1 (409) 741-4014