Geology Minor

The geology minor is an integrated approach to understanding Earth and environmental sciences with a focus on Earth’s geosystems. This minor is suitable for any student seeking to diversify their studies or pursue careers in oceanography or marine sciences.

Geology Minor Classes    

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GEOL 101  Principles of Geology
GEOL 106  Historical Geology
MARS 305  Environmental Micropaleontology
MARS 306  Coastal Sedimentary Geology
MARS 370  Coastal Processes
MARS 430  Geological Oceanography: Plate Tectonics
MARS 431  Geological Oceanography: Earth’s Climate
GEOL 491  Research

Career Opportunities    

Love What You Do

A minor in geology can be paired with many minors to give a student a formidable background in scientific knowledge and problem-solving.

Career Paths

Oil & Gas
Higher Education
Marine Resource Management

Hiring Agencies

Government Agencies
Private Sector Companies
Oil & Gas Companies
Surveying Companies

Salary Ranges

State/Federal agencies (TPWD, NOAA, Corps of Engineers): $35-40K
Non Profit Environmental Outreach: $30-35K
Research/Laboratory Assistant: $30-45K
Geologist: $89,700 on average

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Apply Today    

At Texas A&M University at Galveston we offer a comprehensive array of degrees which are geared to make the most of our ideal location on the edge of the waters of the Gulf of Mexico. With programs ranging from marine biology to maritime administration led by enterprising professors at the top of their fields, we’re full of the opportunities you’re seeking.

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