M.S. Marine Geology and Geophysics, University College London, 1983
B.S. Maritime Studies, University of Wales Institute of Science and Technology, Cardiff, UK, 1981
Andrew Hill
Adjunct Lecturer
Department of Marine and Coastal Environmental Science

"The key to wisdom is in doubting and questioning. In doubting we come to skepticism, and in skepticism we come to investigation, and via investigation we come to the truth."
– Peter Abelard
Learn more about Andrew Hill
- Get To Know
Andrew Hill
What in your life drew you to your current field of study?
Love of the sea, sailing and geology - that and being too short sighted to be an officer in the Royal Navy!
What do you hope your students gain from studying or working with you?
An interest in geophysical imaging at different scales and the importance of Marine Geohazards studies to a wide variety of marine engineering needs.
What are you passionate about in your personal life?
My family, our dogs and Crystal Palace Football Club.
- Education
- Courses Taught
Integrated Marine Geohazards
- Publications
Selected Publications
- Hill, A.W., Arogunmati, Y., Wood, G.A., Attoe, D., Fiske, M.F., Dingler, A., Dingler, J.A., Hobson, M., Robertshaw, A., Allinson, C., Kjos, E., Higson, M., Manning, E., Kassarie, K., and Lewis, S.M. (2015): “Slicing and Dicing HR Seismic Acquisition: Varied Approaches to Delivery of 3D HR Seismic Data volumes for Drilling Hazards Studies,” The Leading Edge, April 2015.
- Hill, A.W., Hampson, K., Hill, A.J., Golightly, C.J., Wood, G.A., Sweeney, M., and Smith, M. (2015): “ACG Field Geohazards Management: Unwinding The Past, Securing the Future,” Paper, in proceedings of the Offshore Technology Conference, 2015, Houston, Texas.
- Hill, A.W., Nicol, G. and Cook, M.R. (2024): “A proposed standard seismic frequency nomenclature for geophysical site investigation surveys in the offshore energy sector,” First Break, Volume 42, Issue 11, November, 2024 pp 37 -41.
- Hill, A.W., Walls, A.H., Romo, L., Turnbull, J.B., and Rogers, E., (2013): “Past, Present and Future Marine Geohazard Issues: Developing Processes to Address Developing Industry Concerns,” Paper 24248, in proceedings of the Offshore Technology Conference, 2013, Houston, Texas.
- Hill, A.W. and Wood, G.A. (2015): “Managing marine geohazard Risks over the Full Business Cycle,” SPE/IADC Drilling Conference and Exhibition, London, UK, May 2015, Paper 173139.
- Hill, A.W., Wood, G.A., and Scherschel, C, (2013): “Fundamental and Specific Geohazard Risk Assessment Categorization,” OTC 24211, in proceedings of the Offshore Technology Conference, 2013, Houston, Texas.
- Jeanjean, P., Hill, A.W, Taylor, S. (2003): “The Challenges of Siting Facilities along the Sigsbee Escarpment in the Southern Green Canyon Area of the Gulf of Mexico: Framework for Integrated Studies,” OTC 15156, in proceedings of the Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, 2003.
- Jeanjean, P., Hill, A.W., Thomson, J. (2003): “The Case for Confidently Siting Facilities along the Sigsbee Escarpment in the Southern Green Canyon Area of the Gulf of Mexico: Summary and Conclusions from Integrated Studies,” OTC 15269, in proceedings of the Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, 2003.
- Simmons, M., Davies, A., Hill, A.W. and Stephenson, M. (2020b): “Who Needs Geoscientists?” Geo ExPRO Magazine, Volume 17, No. 3, pp14-18, June, 2020.
- Wood, G., Hough, G., Hampson, K., Noll, C. and Hill, A.W. (2023): “Slope Instability on the Egyptian Slope: Potential Link to History,” 9th International Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics Conference, 12-14 September 2023, London, Society for Underwater Technology, Proceedings.
- Hill, A.W., Arogunmati, Y., Wood, G.A., Attoe, D., Fiske, M.F., Dingler, A., Dingler, J.A., Hobson, M., Robertshaw, A., Allinson, C., Kjos, E., Higson, M., Manning, E., Kassarie, K., and Lewis, S.M. (2015): “Slicing and Dicing HR Seismic Acquisition: Varied Approaches to Delivery of 3D HR Seismic Data volumes for Drilling Hazards Studies,” The Leading Edge, April 2015.
- Presentations
Selected Presentations
- Hill, A., Hill, A., and Hill, A. (2014): “What is the way forward for improvement in Geophysical and Geotechnical Integration?” Oceanology International 2014, London, 2014.
- Hill, A.W. (2023): “Offshore Wind: The Role of Geoscience in Underpinning a Strong Project Foundation,” Extended online Webinar, Tulsa Geological Society Lecture Series, Joint AAPG and SUT Online webinar, October 2023.
- Hill, A.W. (2019): “North Sea Shallow Gas: Still a Major Accident Risk,” EAGE Post Conference Workshop, Shallow Gas in the North Sea: an ongoing hazard, an emerging resource or an environmental issue? London, June 7th, 2019.
- Hill, A.W. (2018): “HR Seismic for Overburden Assessment: Bespoke Acquisition or sweat the processing?” 2018 EAGE Annual Conference, Workshop 17: Shallow high-resolution images from 3D seismic data, Copenhagen, June 2018.
- Hill, A.W. (2017): “AUVs in the offshore industry: two decades in, looking to the decade ahead,” Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, 2017.
- Hill, A.W. (2010): “Comparing Marine Geohazards Risks,” Poster, AAPG Conference, New Orleans, USA, April 2010.
- Hill, A.W. (2003): “Dypvannskartlegging med UUV/AUV – Erfaringer og Forventninger,” NIF Conference Havbunnskartlegging og Inspeksjon, (delivered in Norwegian), Geilo, Norway, February 2003.
- Hill, A. and Andrews, C. (1994): “3D Seismic: A Site Survey Tool?” NPF Seminar: The 3D Seismic Challenge, Kristiansand, March 1994.
- Hill, A.W., Dawson, I. and Weber, B. (2002): “AUV Uptake in the Offshore Industry: Maintaining a forward momentum,” UUV Masterclass 2002, Southampton, UK.
- Hill, A.W., Wood, G.A. and Allinson, A. (2022): “The Winds of Change: the future of seismic in the Renewables Sector,” Post Conference Workshop “The Role of Geophysics in Sustainable Energy and Carbon Neutrality – Geothermal, Wind, Hydrogen and CCUS,” SEG/AAPG Image22 International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy, Houston, September 1st 2022, Abstracts.
- Grants and Fellowships
- Fellow, Society of Underwater Technology, London, 2021
- BP Upstream Innovation Award, Winner, 2000 - Introduction of AUV Technology to Deepwater Operations
- Awards & Recognition
BP Innovation Award for the Introduction of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles to the Deepwater Survey Industry, 2000.
- Professional Appointments
2007-2025 Engineering Technical Authority Marine Geohazards, S&ORA, bp Houston
2003-2007 Survey Manager, Geohazards Advisor, bp Baku, Azerbaijan
2002-2003 Geohazards Advisor, Global Technical Network Leader, bp America, Houston
1996-2002 Geohazards Team Leader, GoM / Western Hemisphere, BP America, Houston
1992-1996 Global Site Investigation Specialist, BP Exploration, Aberdeen, UK
1988-1991 High Resolution Seismic Specialist, BP Exploration, London and Glasgow, UK
1984-1988 Lead Processing Geophysicist exploration seismic data processing, A/S Geoteam, Oslo, Norway
1982-1984 Geophysicist, Project Leader and Party Manager, Geoteam UK Ltd., Aberdeen, UK
1981 Seismic Field Observer, M/V Pacific Horizon, Horizon Exploration, Swanley, UK
Contact Info
Andrew Hill
Adjunct Lecturer
Department of Marine and Coastal Environmental Science
Phone: (713) 305-2230