Driss Takir

Adjunct Lecturer
Department of Marine and Coastal Environmental Science

Driss Takir

E-mail: takir@tamu.edu
Phone: (503) 867-3191

Academic Complex (MAIN), Office 315


Learn more about Driss Takir

Get To Know Driss Takir

What in your life drew you to your current field of study?

I am fascinated by remote sensing because it allows us to gather vital information about Earth and the universe from a distance. Remote sensing has applications in numerous fields such as oceanography, agriculture, land-use mapping and monitoring, disaster management, climate monitoring, urban planning, weather forecasting, forest mapping, water management, and mining.

What do you hope your students gain from studying or working with you?

By taking the Remote Sensing class, my aim is for the students to grasp the fundamental concepts and general principles of remote sensing. Subsequently, they should be capable of applying these principles to an area of their interest, be it in oceanography or costal environment studies. These skills are vital for students pursuing a PhD or seeking employment in the industry post-graduation.

What are you passionate about in your personal life?

I enjoy traveling and spending time outdoors. Cooking is one of my other passions, and I enjoy learning new recipes in my free time.


Ph.D. Planetary Science, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 2013
M.S. Space Studies, University of North Dakota, 2008
B.S. Computer Science, Portland State University, 2006

Courses Taught

MARS 415: Remote Sensing Technology