Mary D. Curtis

Visiting Lecturer
Department of Marine and Coastal Environmental Science

Mary D. Curtis

“You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”

– Eleanor Roosevelt



Learn more about Mary D. Curtis

Get To Know Mary D. Curtis

What in your life drew you to your current field of study?

I am a geographer and geoeducator. My curiosity about the world and desire to understand “Why” drew me to Geography. My passion grew as I learned about the physical world and the relationships among humans, societies, and the environment. My true inspiration came from, and still comes from, teaching others. Witnessing others make connections to see places through a geographer’s lens and recognize that geography is relevant to their daily lives is very exciting and inspiring!

What do you hope your students gain from studying or working with you?

I hope my students are motivated and excited by seeing the world through a geographers lens and inquisitive mind. The fun is in the discovery … the “ah-ha!” that comes with realizing geography is everywhere and very relevant to their daily lives! I want students to find joy in thinking geographically and challenge others to do the same! However, my ultimate goal is to challenge my students to dare to dream and achieve in new ways so they can be explorers and captains of their own life’s journey.

What are you passionate about in your personal life?

I love spending time with my family, traveling to new places, and sharing exciting things I have learned with my friends and family. Giving back is very important to me. A passion of mine is to find ways to pay it forward and encourage others to be their next best self. Finally, my newest passion that keeps me on my toes is my Labradoodle puppy! I look forward to journey he and I will take together!


Ph.D. Geography/Geography Education, Texas State University, 2015
M.S. Instructional Technology, University of Houston-Clear Lake, 2004
B.A. Political Science, Texas A&M University, 1997

  • Curtis, M., Waters, C. C. & Sparks, D. M. (Under Review). Towards a sense of belong:  Women’s voices about STEM in higher education and career pathways. Target Journal: Journal of Science Teaching (JRST).
  • Curtis, M. D. & Deal, M. (2023). Chapter 5 subject test: Social studies (808). In Cavallo A. (Ed.) TExES core subjects 4-8, 2nd Edition. (pp. 237-378). Research & Education Association: Garden City, New York.
  • Curtis, M. D., & Green, A. (2021). A systematic review of evidence-based practice for students with learning disabilities in social studies classrooms. The Social Studies, 1-15.
  • Rosado, L., Amaro-Jimenez, C., Pant, M., Curtis, M. D., & Nandakumar, V. (2020). Identifying barriers impeding bilingual and ESL teacher candidate success on state licensure exams. NABE’s Journal of Research and Practice, 1-10.
  • Millsaps, L., Larsen, T., Curtis, M. D., & Monakhova, M. (2020). Geography education and the borderlands: Using a marginalized discipline to teach about margins. In Fuerst-Bjelis and Leimgruber (Eds.), Perspectives on Marginality: Globalization, Marginalization and Conflict-Political, Economic and Social Processes. Springer: New York.
  • Curtis, M. D. (2019). Professional technologies in schools: The role of pedagogical knowledge in teaching with geospatial technologies. Journal of Geography, 118(3), 130-142.
  • Baker, T., Curtis, M. D., & Millsaps, L. (2019). Geotechnologies in spatial citizenship. In E.E. Shin & S. B. Bednarz (eds.) Spatial citizenship education: Citizenship through geography (pp. 117-131). Routledge, New York.
  • Curtis, M. D. (2015). Analyzing the Diffusion of Geospatial technologies as instructional tools in high school geography education. (Doctoral dissertation). Texas State University, San Marcos,  TX. 
  • Battersby S. E., Mohan, A., Cooper, C. W., CurtisM. D., Lane, J., Tabor, L. K., & Wessell, J. (2013). What supports or promotes the development of geographic knowledge, skills, and practices? Pedagogy and research priorities to improve geography teaching and learning at the K-12 level. Research in Geography Education, 15, 29-43.
  • Curtis, M.D. (April, 2024). Trauma Informed Leadership Leading the Way for GeoInquiry in Secondary Education.  American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting.  Honolulu, HI.
  • Sparks, D.M. & Curtis, M.D. (February, 2024). To STEM or Not to STEM, That is the Question:  Building a Clearer Understanding of STEM Definitions Through the Voices of Female Faculty and Students. Association for Science Teacher Education International Conference.  Paper. New Orleans, LA.
  • Curtis, M.D. (February, 2024) GIS ACES: GIS Active Classroom Exploration for Science.  Association for Science Teacher Education International Conference.  Workshop. New Orleans, LA.
  • Curtis, M.D. & Waters, C.C. (2023, October). Hack the Map!  Equipping Science Teachers to Develop Personalized instructional Resources. Southwest Region Association for Science Teacher Education Regional Meeting.  Houston, TX.
  • Curtis, M. (2019, November). 21st century teaching: Inquiry, powerful disciplinary knowledge & differentiation. Paper presented at the National Council for the Social Studies and National Council for Geographic Education (combined) Conference. Austin, TX.
  • Curtis, M. (2018, November). Powerful geography’s place in current trends in American education. Paper presented at the Powerful Geography Conference. San Juan, Costa Rica.
  • Curtis, M. (2018, August). Elementary teachers GETS IT! Paper presented at the International Geographical Union (IGU) Regional Conference. Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.
  • Curtis, M. (2017, April). Geospatial technologies in high school geography: A need for stronger pedagogy. Paper presented at the American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting. Boston, MA.
Grants and Fellowships
  • 2024 Southwest Educational Research Association (SERA) Research Grant Assistant Professor Early Career Award. Insightful Geographic Inquiry in Teaching Elementary (IGNITE) Social Studies! Principal Investigator: Mary D. Curtis. $1,000
  • 2023 UHCL Center for Educational Transformation. Transforming EC-6 Social Studies TExES Exam Performance.  Principal Investigator:  Mary D. Curtis. $2,000
  • 2020-2021 UTA Center for Research on Teaching and Learning Excellence (CRTLE) Professional Learning Community Faculty Fellow
  • 2019-2020 UTA Innovation, Diversity, Excellence, Access, Success (IDEAS) Center Faculty Fellow, sponsored by UTA Center for Research on Teaching and Learning Excellence (CRTLE)
  • 2020 UTA Center for Research on Teaching and Learning Excellence grant. Post-Secondary Educators’ Self-Reported Classroom and Pedagogical Changes Post-COVID-19. Principal Investigator: Mary D. Curtis. Co-Principal Investigator: Candace Joswick. $5,000
  • 2019 Geography Education Grant, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board and the National Geographic Society. Inquiry-based Geography Education Opportunities (iGEO). Principal Investigators: Mary D. Curtis and Johnoson Crutchfield. $40, 750
  • 2015 Digital Humanities Start-up Grant. Principal Investigators Sonja Watson and Kenton Rambsy. Co-Investigators: Kim Breuer, Scott Cook, Mary Curtis, and Alicia Rueda-Acedo. College of Liberal Arts. $9,614
Awards & Recognition
  • SERA Research Grant Early Career Award, Southwest Educational Research Association (2024)
  • UT Regents’ Outstanding Teaching Award (ROTA) Nominee (2019)
  • Professor of the Year: Service above Self Award, provided by Arlington Sunrise Rotary (2017)
  • Outstanding Graduate Advisor, UT Arlington (2017)
  • Sustainable Ecosystems, Enduring Cultures (SEEC) Ecuador participant; Fulbright-Hays Teacher Grant (2010)
  • Grosvenor Scholar, Graduate Fellowship with National Geographic Society (2008-2009; 2010-2011) 
Professional Appointments
  • Vice-Chair, Geography Education Specialty Group, American Association of Geographers (2021-2024)
  • Associate Editor, Journal of Geography (2024) 

Contact Info

Mary D. Curtis
Visiting Lecturer
Department of Marine and Coastal Environmental Science
Phone: (409) 740-4933
Fax: (409) 740-4429

Ocean and Coastal Studies Bldg., Office 354