Amy N.S. Siuda, Deborah S. Goodwin, Jeffrey M. Schell
Identification, in situ observations of distribution, and mobile fauna community composition of the common sargassummorphotypes.
Anouck Ody & Leo Berline & MIO french team
Multiscale observations of Sargassum from ships and satellites.
Bruce Cook* and Jeff Masek
Update on Landsat 9 and Sentinal2-Landsat data harmonization efforts.
R. J. David Wells & Jay R. Rooker
The Role of Sargassumas a Source of Organic Matter and Habitat of Pelagic Fishes.
Donald Johnson
Pelagic Sargassum and ocean dynamics of the North Tropical Atlantic.
Frederic Menard
Ongoing French projects.
Gilbert Rowe
Sargassum as a Food Source for Deep-Sea Fauna.
Jacques Abe & Abou Bamba
Sargassum invasion process in the West Africa marine waters and management approaches in the framework of the Abidjan Convention.
Julien Jouanno (LEGOS), Carine Tchamabi (postdoc LEGOS), Marie Hélène Radenac (LEGOS), Olivier Aumont (LOCEAN), Christian Ethé (LOCEAN), Léo Berline (MIO)
Sensitivity of the western Tropical Atlantic upper ocean biogeochemistry to Amazon and Orinoco rivers runoff variability.
Kelly de Schaun
State and Local Regulations Affecting SargassumManagement in Coastal Areas.
Maureen T. Brooks & Victoria Coles
Modeling the Seasonal Distribution of Sargassum.
Mengqiu Wang, Chuanmin Hu, Brock Murch, and Brian Barnes
Monitoring pelagic Sargassumin the Intra-Americas Sea and Atlantic Ocean from space.
Minh-Hà Pham
Opportunities for research cooperation between the United States and France.
Sandrine Pivard
UN Environment action on the Sargassum influx in the Wider Caribbean.
Thierry Thibaut
Sargassum inundations Multidisciplinary approach, with a focus on species identification.
Thomas Linton
William Kiene