If you observe any behavior that is concerning you may report the behavior using the online report form. This is not to be used for emergencies. If you are in an emergency situation that requires medical, psychological or police services, call 911.
TAMUG Student Rules
Texas A&M University at Galveston Student Rules
Texas A&M University Galveston Campus is a community that is dedicated to personal and academic excellence. Choosing to join the community obligates each member to a code of civilized behavior. The purpose of this website is to present the rules that govern student conduct and student activities at Texas A&M University and that describe faculty and staff obligations in their work with students. These rules result from years of experience and are the products of student, staff and faculty thought.
Each individual student, faculty member and staff employee is expected to read this handbook carefully and observe its requirements. Particular attention should be given to the Aggie Code of Honor, the University Statement on Harassment and Discrimination and the Students’ Rights and Responsibilities.
No rule, no matter how carefully worded, can cover all eventualities completely. Beyond specific rules, we should all aspire to conduct ourselves with respect for others, the highest ethical standards and personal integrity. That is what the Aggie Spirit is all about.
General Information
Each student has the responsibility to be fully acquainted with and to comply with the Texas A&M University at Galveston Student Rules. More specific rules, information and procedures may be found in various publications pertaining to each particular service or department. When available, links have been provided to the appropriate websites.
The Texas A&M University Galveston Campus Student Rules are broken down into four (4) sections, with additional information provided in the appendixes:
Other TAMU Rule & Policy Resources:
Rule Additions, Changes & Deletions
Additions, deletions, and changes may occur over the course of the academic year. Significant revisions will be communicated through campus email, appropriate university offices, and this website.
If you need the rules information in an alternate format, please send an email to ocs@tamug.edu.
This site is maintained by the Office for Community Standards in the Department of Campus Living & Learning in the Division of Student Affairs at Texas A&M University at Galveston.