If you observe any behavior that is concerning you may report the behavior using the online report form. This is not to be used for emergencies. If you are in an emergency situation that requires medical, psychological or police services, call 911.
10. Grading
(Revised: 2019)
10.1 The course instructor must make available the following information to the class by the first class period:
A statement of the nature, scope and content of the subject matter to be covered in the course.
All course prerequisites as listed in the catalog.
All required course text(s) and material.
This requirement can be met by posting on the Howdy Portal.
10.2 The student’s semester grade shall be based upon the grading rule statement in 10.1 (above). No such rule should be in contradiction to other provisions of the University Student Rules.
For information on contesting an assigned grade, see Part III, Student Grievance Procedures, 48. Grade Disputes.
10.3 There are twelve grades. The five passing grades at the undergraduate level are, A, B, C, D and S, representing varying degrees of achievement; these letters carry grade points and significance as follows:
Assigned by the instructor:
A: Excellent, 4 grade points per semester hour
B: Good, 3 grade points per semester hour
C: Satisfactory, 2 grade points per semester hour
D: Passing, 1 grade point per semester hour
F: Failing, no grade points, hours included in GPA
I: Incomplete, no grade points (hours not included in GPA)
Grades assigned if student is taking an undergraduate course S/U:
S: Satisfactory (C or above), hours not included in GPA
U: Unsatisfactory (D or F), no grade points, hours included in GPA)
X: No grade submitted, see 10.6
Q: Dropped course with no penalty, requires Dean or designee’s permission, see 1.17
W: Dropped course(s) with no penalty during the semester enrolled, hours not included in GPA, requires Dean or designee’s permission, see (1.7, 1.18, 7.8, and 17)
NG: No Grade. Administrative removal of posted grades requires approval by the Dean or designee of the college in which the student was enrolled during the semester in which the courses were taken. A NG requires extensive documentation of the extraordinary circumstances justifying the No Grade. The instructor of record, or the instructor’s department head if the instructor is unavailable, will be consulted during the process. The registrar will, if possible, notify the instructor of record, and in any event will notify the instructor’s department head, whenever a NG is issued.
10.4 Passing grades for graduate students are A, B, C and S.
10.4.1 Grades of S or U may be assigned in certain officially designated courses. Graduate courses on the degree plan may not be taken on an S/U basis, except for courses bearing the numbers 681, 684, 690, 691, 692, 693, 695, 697, 791, or unless otherwise noted in the catalog. Graduate courses not on the degree plan may be taken on an S/U basis.
10.4.2 Only grades of A, B, C and S are acceptable for graduate credit. Grades of D, F or Unsatisfactory (U) for courses on the degree plan must be absolved by repeating the courses and achieving grades of C or above or Satisfactory (S). If a course has been taken more than once and a grade of D or F was earned and then repeated for a grade of C or higher, the original grades of D or F will be excluded from the GPA calculation for the degree plan (if applicable) and cumulative GPA, but remain on the student’s permanent record.
A course in which the final grade is C may be repeated for a higher grade. If the second grade is higher, the original grade will be excluded from the GPA calculation for the degree plan (if applicable) and cumulative GPA, but remain on the student’s permanent record.
Repeat grades and cumulative GPA for financial aid programs may differ from those listed above, based on the type of aid.
Rules related to F* grades and repeat courses may be found in Student Rule 20 under Sanctions.
10.4.3 Graduate students must maintain a grade point (GPA) of 3.00 (B average based on a 4.00 scale) for all courses which are listed on the degree plan and for all graded graduate and advanced undergraduate coursework (300- and 400-level) completed at Texas A&M and eligible to be applied toward a graduate degree. Those involving grades of W-drop (W), Satisfactory (S), Unsatisfactory (U) and Q-drop (Q) shall be excluded.
If either of a student’s cumulative GPA or the GPA for courses listed on the degree plan falls below the minimum of 3.00, he or she will be considered to be scholastically deficient. If the minimum GPA is not attained in a reasonable length of time, the student may be dropped from graduate studies. The procedures for dismissal are explained in the Texas A&M University Student Rules, Scholastic Deficiency/Probation, rule 12. Departments or colleges may adopt specific guidelines pertaining to scholastic deficiency or dismissal.
10.5 Grades assigned to first professional students are established by the first professional degree program in which the student is enrolled and are described below. Grading policies are also unique to each first professional degree program and these policies are described below as well.
10.5.1 Doctor of Dental Surgery Degree Program (College of Dentistry) In addition to A, B, C, D, F, S, U, W, and I grades (see 10.3 above), dentistry students may be assigned the following letter grades:
B+ : Good, 3.5 grade points per semester hour
C+ : Fair, 2.5 grade points per semester hour Grades of X, Q, and NG are not assigned to dental courses. Grades other than the U and F grade are passing grades, although earning a grade of D in courses may require remediation. Grades of U or F must be absolved by repeating the courses and achieving a grade of S or for a graded course C or above. With approval of the Student Promotions Committee, students may repeat a maximum of two courses as long as the courses do not total seven or more semester credit hours. When successfully remediating a course, the original grade and the replacement grade are included on the transcript and are used to calculate the cumulative GPA. Students earning D or F grades totaling six or more semester credit hours in the second year of the curriculum may be dismissed or required to repeat the year as explained in the Texas A&M University Student Rules, Scholastic Deficiency/Probation, rule 12 and in the College of Dentistry Academic and Disciplinary Due Process for Predoctoral and Dental Hygiene Students. If a dentistry student’s semester GPA (for year 1) or cumulative GPA (for years 2 through 4) falls below a 2.00, he or she is considered scholastically deficient and may be placed on academic probation or dismissed as explained in the Texas A&M University Student Rules, Scholastic Deficiency/Probation, rule 12 and in the College of Dentistry Academic and Disciplinary Due Process for Predoctoral and Dental Hygiene Students. Grading processes specific to the College of Dentistry are further explained in the Academic and Disciplinary Due Process for Predoctoral and Dental Hygiene Students.
10.5.2 Doctor of Medicine Degree Program (College of Medicine) In addition to A, B, C, D, S, U, I and W grades (see 10.3 above), medical students may be assigned the following letter grades:
H : Honors, 4 grade points per semester hour
P : Pass, 3 grade points per semester hour
F : Fail, 0 grade points per semester hour
F/P : Failed course, remediated, 1 grade point per semester hour Grades of Q are not assigned to medical courses. Only grades of H and P are passing grades. Grades of F must be resolved by remediating or repeating the courses and achieving a grade of F/P. When successfully repeating a course, the original F or F/P grade and the grade in the repeated course are indicated on the transcript and are used to calculate the student’s cumulative GPA. A temporary grade of incomplete (I) for a course/clerkship at the end of a course/clerkship usually indicates that the student has completed the course with the exception of some portion of work. The instructor shall give an incomplete grade when the deficiency is due to an authorized absence or other cause beyond the control of the student or when all but a single component of the course/clerkship has been completed. The grade will be changed to a P/F/H when the course requirements are complete. Grading processes specific to the College of Medicine are further explained in the College of Medicine Student Handbook.
10.5.3 Doctor of Pharmacy Program (Irma Lerma Rangel College of Pharmacy) Grades of Q and NG are not assigned to pharmacy courses. Only grades of A, B, C and S are passing grades. Grades of D, F or U for core courses and elective courses taken for credit must be corrected by remediating or repeating the course(s) and achieving a grade(s) of C or above or S. When successfully remediating or repeating a core or elective course(s), the original grade and the replacement grade are indicated on the transcript and are used to compute the cumulative GPA. If a pharmacy student’s cumulative GPA falls below a 2.30, he or she is considered scholastically deficient and may be placed on academic probation or dismissed as explained in the Texas A&M University Student Rules, Scholastic Deficiency/Probation, rule 12 and in the current student handbook for the College of Pharmacy. A temporary grade of “I” indicates that a student has satisfactorily completed most of the requirements for a course with the exception of a major examination or other requirement. This grade is assigned only when there is a valid reason beyond a student’s control (e.g., illness, accident). The “I” grade is converted to an A, B, C, D, F, S or U grade upon completion of course requirements, which must be by the first month of the next regular semester. An “I” grade is computed as an F grade, unless changed to a final passing grade, and cannot be removed from the transcript if the remaining course requirements are not completed within a calendar year following the semester in which the “I” grade was assigned. Grading processes specific to the College of Pharmacy are further explained in the current student handbook.
10.5.4 Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences) Grades assigned to veterinary students are outlined in section 10.3 above. Grades of A, B, C, D and S are passing grades, although only a limited number of D grades are permitted. An S grade will not be included in the computation of a student’s cumulative GPA, but a U grade will be computed as F grade. When a student repeats or remediates a veterinary medicine course, grades for the original course and its replacement are both used by the University and the College to compute the GPA and are recorded on the student’s transcript. A temporary grade of “I” indicates that the student has completed a course with the exception of a major examination or other requirement. This grade is given only when the deficiency is due to excused/authorized absences. An incomplete grade is reported to the Associate Dean for Professional Programs. The written report shall include:
A statement of the basis for recording the incomplete grade; and
A statement defining the remaining work to be completed. The work must be completed prior to the next academic term in which the student is registered, unless the Associate Dean for Professional Programs grants an extension of time for good reason. If the work is not completed within this period or, if the student registers for the same course again, the “I” is changed to an F by the Registrar. Students must clear all “I” grades prior to advancing to the fourth year of the professional curriculum and prior to graduation.
10.5.5 Juris Doctor Degree Program (School of Law) In addition to A, B, C, D, F, W and I grades (see 10.3 above), law students may be assigned the following letter grades:
A+ : 4.01 grade points per semester hour
A- : 3.67 grade points per semester hour
B+ : 3.33 grade points per semester hour
B- : 2.67 grade points per semester hour
C+ : 2.33 grade points per semester hour
C- : 1.67 grade points per semester hour
D+ : 1.33 grade points per semester hour
D- : 0.67 grade points per semester hour
P : Pass
F : Fail, no grade points, hours included in the GPR Grades of X, Q, and NG are not assigned to law school courses. Grades other than an F or Fail are acceptable for credit for law school courses. A grade of F or Fail is included in the calculation of the grade point. If a temporary grade of I is assigned by an instructor, a letter grade must be awarded six calendar months from the last date of exams for the applicable semester. Unless permitted by the Academic Standards Committee the maximum grade given for an I can be no higher than the maximum class GPA for that course. After six months, an unresolved I becomes an F (0.00). Students enrolled in the J.D. program must maintain a cumulative minimum grade point of 2.33 in order to be granted a degree. If a student’s cumulative GPA falls below a 2.33 after the second semester, he or she is considered scholastically deficient and will be dismissed from the J.D. program, subject to appeal to the Academic Standards Committee. The procedures for dismissal are explained in the Texas A&M University Student Rules, Scholastic Deficiency/Probation, rule 12, and in the School of Law student handbook. If a student fails a lockstep or an advanced required course, the course must be repeated. A student may repeat an elective course in which an F or Fail is recorded. The grade for a repeat of a failed course is Pass or Fail. The original grade remains on the transcript and is calculated in the cumulative grade point average. After grades have been posted to a student’s record, grades are final and may not be changed except with permission of the Academic Standards Committee. A request for a grade change must be made within 90 days after the official posting of the grade. Grading processes specific to the law school are further explained in the School of Law student handbook.
10.6 A temporary grade of I (incomplete) at the end of a semester or summer term indicates that the student has completed the course with the exception of a major quiz, final examination, or single major assignment. The instructor shall give this grade only when the deficiency is due to an approved university excused absence (see Rule 7 of TAMU Student Rules) when a case of potential academic misconduct involving the student is pending with the Aggie Honor System Office, or based on criteria published in the Law School Student Handbook. Each instructor awarding an incomplete grade must complete an “Incomplete Grade Report,” which will be filed with the department head or designee of the department offering the course. Copies will also be sent to the student and to the student’s academic dean or designee. An incomplete must be removed before the last day of scheduled classes of the next long semester in which the student enrolls in the university unless the student’s academic dean or designee, with the consent of the instructor, grants a time extension. Students in law (JD), medicine (MD), dentistry (DDS), pharmacy (PharmD), nursing (RN), dental hygiene (BS) and veterinary medicine (DVM) may have a different deadline for completion of incompletes as published in student handbooks. In the absence of the instructor, the department head may grant a time extension. Failure to complete the required work in the appropriate period of time, or registering for the course again, will result in the I being changed to an F by the Registrar. Grades of I assigned to 684 (Professional Internships), 691 (Research), 692 (Professional Study), or 693 (Professional Study) are excluded from this rule.
In accordance with Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, Texas A&M University shall treat pregnancy (childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy and recovery therefrom) and related conditions as a justification for an excused absence for so long a period of time as is deemed medically necessary by the student’s physician. Requests for leave of absence related to pregnancy should be directed to the instructor; questions about Title IX should be directed to the Title IX Coordinator.
10.7 The X notation is assigned to a course by the Registrar at the end of a semester or summer term only when a grade is not submitted by the instructor. The Registrar will notify the Dean or designee of the college in which the course is taught that an X notation has been made. The Dean or designee of the college offering the course will request, through the department head, that the instructor, at the beginning of the succeeding semester or summer term, remove the X notation and assign a letter grade with a Grade Change Report. The instructor will have 30 days from the beginning of the succeeding semester or summer term to report a change of grade to the registrar. If a Change of Grade Report is not received during this time period, the registrar will automatically remove the X notation and assign a grade of F. Grades of X assigned to 684 (Professional Internship), 691 (Research), or 692 (Professional Study) are excluded from this rule.
10.8 An instructor may change a student’s grade by submitting a Grade Change Report to the Registrar.
10.8.1 A grade may be changed up to one year after the submission of the final grades for a given semester. This change requires the approval and signature of the department head or the dean of academic affairs for first professional programs as well as the instructor.
10.8.2 After one year, a grade change must have the approval and signature of the student’s Dean or designee in addition to the signatures of the instructor and department head or the dean of academic affairs for first professional programs.
10.8.3 Anytime a grade is lowered, the Grade Change Report must have the approval and signature of the student’s Dean or designee in addition to the instructor and department head or the dean of academic affairs for first professional programs.
10.8.4 Grade changes for faculty members who are unavailable, or are no longer employed at Texas A&M University, require the approval of the department head or the dean of academic affairs for first professional programs and the Dean or designee of the college.
10.9 All grades shall be reported to the Registrar promptly on the date specified in the call for grades. All final grades shall be due not less than 72 hours after the end of the examination period with the exception of graduating and first professional students.
10.10 Only the grade made in course work for which the student was registered in this institution shall be used in determining his or her grade point ratio.
10.11 An undergraduate student’s cumulative grade point ratio for any period shall be computed by dividing the total number of semester hours for which he or she received grades into the total number of grade points earned in that period. Semester credit hours to which grades of F or U are assigned shall be included; those involving grades of W, Q, S, X, I and NG are excluded.
10.11.1 (Removed May 2013)
10.12 Students registered for KINE 198 and KINE 199, wishing to change the grade type from a graded course to S/U or from S/U to a graded course may do so by selecting the “My Record” tab on the Howdy website at https://howdy.tamu.edu, then by selecting “Change Kine 198/199 Grade Type” in the “Registration” box. All requests for KINE 198 and KINE 199 changes must be accomplished on or before the Q-drop deadline for the fall, spring or summer semester.
10.13 Undergraduate students:
10.13.1 Undergraduate students may be permitted to take courses in their degree programs at Texas A&M University on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory (S/U) basis consistent with the requirements of the student’s college.
10.13.2 The hours for which a student receives a grade of “satisfactory” shall not be included in the computation of the student’s semester or cumulative grade point ratio; a grade of “unsatisfactory” shall be included in the computation of the student’s grade points per credit hour as an F. A grade of “satisfactory” will be given only for grades of C and above; a grade of “unsatisfactory” will be given for grades D and F.
10.13.3 Students on probationary standing may be required to take electives on an S/U basis as determined by published college rules.
10.14 Graduate students:
10.14.1 Graduate students will not receive graduate degree credit for undergraduate degree courses taken on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis. Graduate students may take any graduate courses that are not used on their degree plans on an S/U basis.
10.14.2 A grade of “satisfactory” (S) will be given only for grades of A and B in graduate courses and for grades of C and above in undergraduate and professional courses; a grade of “unsatisfactory” (U) will be given for grades of C and below in graduate courses and for D and F grades in undergraduate and professional courses.
10.14.3 S/U grades are not included in the grade point ratio calculation for graduate students.
10.14.4 Courses numbered 681, 684, 690, 691, 692, 693, 695, 697, 791 and SOPH 680 are graded on an S/U basis only.
10.15 Near the middle of the fall and spring semesters, a preliminary report, showing the current progress of all undergraduate students who have completed less than 30 semester credit hours of course work at Texas A&M University, will be made available. Preliminary grades are not recorded on the student’s permanent record.
10.16 At the close of each semester, a final report of the student’s semester grades will be made available to the student at https://howdy.tamu.edu. Students may create a parent password which enables parents or guardians to access grade information.
10.17 No student grade that is personally identifiable may be posted unless the student has given written consent in advance.
10.18 An undergraduate student is making satisfactory academic progress when he or she is meeting university, college and major field of study grade point requirements.
10.19 Unless otherwise stated, students in graduate degree programs and post-baccalaureate non-degree students (G6 classification) must maintain a 3.00 cumulative GPA (computed as specified in section 10.4.3). Degree-seeking students also must maintain a GPA of at least 3.00 on all courses listed on the degree plan. Departments and colleges may establish higher GPA requirements for their students in graduate degree programs and for post-baccalaureate non-degree students (G6 classification).
10.20 Any undergraduate student who wishes to repeat a course must do so before he or she completes a more advanced course in the same subject. What constitutes a more advanced course will be determined by the head of the department offering the course.
10.21 When a course is repeated by an undergraduate student in an attempt to earn a grade higher than C, D, F, or U, only the highest grade will be used for the degree audit. However, the grades for all courses taken in residence at Texas A&M University will remain on the student’s permanent record. A student’s cumulative GPA will include all graded courses except courses excluded under the First Year Grade Exclusion Policy. The ability to exercise First Year Grade Exclusion was eliminated on August 23, 2013. An undergraduate student may attempt a course no more than three times, including courses graded Q or W but excluding these graded NG, unless approval has been received from both the student’s Dean or designee and the department offering the course.
10.22 A student repeating a course completed at Texas A&M University in which a grade of B or better has been earned will not receive grade points for the repeated course, unless the catalog states the course may be repeated for credit.
10.23 For graduate students, grades of D, F or Unsatisfactory (U) for courses on the degree plan must be absolved by repeating the course(s) and achieving grades of C or above or Satisfactory (S). A course in which the final grade is a C may be repeated for a higher grade. Those involving grades of W, Q, S, U, X, I or NG are excluded.