If you observe any behavior that is concerning you may report the behavior using the online report form. This is not to be used for emergencies. If you are in an emergency situation that requires medical, psychological or police services, call 911.
11. Distinguished Students
(Revised: 2013)
An undergraduate student who completes a semester schedule of at least 15 hours or a summer session schedule of at least 12 hours with no grade lower than C and with a grade point ratio of not less than 3.5 for the semester or for a summer session shall be designated "distinguished student". A student who, under the same circumstances, achieves a grade point ratio of at least 3.75 also shall be designated as a member of the "dean's honor roll." First semester freshmen must complete a semester schedule of at least 15 hours with no grade lower than a “C,” no Qdrops and with a grade point ratio of not less than 3.5 for “distinguished student” designation and a 3.75 for “dean’s honor roll.” Official notification of these designations will be issued to the student by the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Chief Academic Officer or his or her designee. The hours earned with a grade of S shall not be included in determining minimum hours required for the designation of "distinguished student" or "dean's honor roll." A grade of "I" or "U" disqualifies a student from being considered as a "distinguished student" or for the "dean's honor roll." Grades of Q, W, and NG may not be included in the 15 graded hours. Only undergraduate courses or graduate courses used for the undergraduate degree will be used in either honors calculation.