If you observe any behavior that is concerning you may report the behavior using the online report form. This is not to be used for emergencies. If you are in an emergency situation that requires medical, psychological or police services, call 911.
19. Refunds
(Revised 2013)
19.1 Refund Delivery - All refunds to students will be delivered via direct deposit to the bank account provided by the student. Students are required to provide a bank routing and account number for delivery of any refund from their student account.
19. 2 Refunds for Withdrawal from the Institution:
19.2.1 Tuition and Required Fees - All refunds of tuition and required fees are calculated in accordance with Section 54.006 of the Texas Education Code. If a student withdraws, moves off campus or in any other way terminates the housing contract, a refund of residence hall rent will be made according to the above schedule.
19.2.2. Meal Plan Fees - Meal plan refunds are calculated according to the following schedule:
Fall, Spring or 10-Week Semester
- Prior to the first class day - 100 percent
- During the first five class days - 80 percent
- During the second five class days - 70 percent
- During the third five class days - 50 percent
- During the fourth five class days - 25 percent
- After the fourth five class days - None
Five-Week Summer Term
- Prior to the first class day - 100 percent
- During the first, second or third class day - 80 percent
- During the fourth, fifth or sixth class day - 50 percent
19.2.3 Housing Reservation Deposit - Housing deposits are refunded in accordance with the terms and conditions outlined in the housing contract signed by the student. Contact Residence Life at 409-740-4445 for additional information.
19.2.4 Room Security Deposits - The security deposit is refunded in accordance with the terms and conditions outlined in the contract signed by the student. Contact Residence Life at 409-740- 4445 for additional information.
19.2.5 Residence Hall Room Rent - These fees will be refunded in accordance with the terms and conditions outlined in the contract signed by the student. Contact Residence Life at 409-740- 4445 for additional information.
19.2.6 General Deposits - In accordance with Texas Education Code §Section 54.502, general deposits are returned automatically within six to eight weeks upon the withdrawal or graduation of a student. Amounts necessary to cover any outstanding charges, loss, damage, or breakage caused by the student is deducted prior to any refund. Students who leave the university without withdrawing or graduating must request a refund of their general deposit. Deposits remaining unclaimed for four years are forfeited into a scholarship fund.
19.2.7 Parking Permits - Refunded by returning the permit to Campus Police. Refunds are prorated on a weekly basis.
19.2.8 Athletics Sports Passes - Refunded by returning the refund request form and sports pass to the Athletic Ticket Office located in the Zone at Kyle Field. Refunds are issued on a prorated basis. Contact Student Life at 409-740-4561 for additional information.
19.2.9 International Student Insurance - Non-refundable. Insurance is purchased and effective for the duration of the semester. Visit the International Student Services website at https://iss.tamu.edu for additional information.
19.2.10 Sponsor, Donor, or Scholarship Payments - Refunds shall be made to the source rather than directly to the student who has withdrawn, if the funds were made available through the institution. Refunds of tuition and fees paid by parents or guardians for students shall be made directly to the student.
19.2.11 Refunds for Financial Aid Recipients - If a refund of tuition, required fee and oncampus room and board is due to a student who has withdrawn from the university and the student received financial aid funds other than work study paid, unearned aid must be calculated and returned to the appropriate aid program in compliance with federal and institutional regulations. This may result in a balance due or in excess funds refunded to the student. Students are considered to have earned financial aid funds after attending at least 60% of the semester. Scholarships are considered earned after the 12th class day in the fall or spring semesters (or 5th class day in the summer semester). For more information, please contact Financial Aid at 409- 740-4500.
19.2.12 Student Services -All student services and privileges shall terminate when a student withdraws from the university.
19.3 Refund for Reasons Other than Withdrawal:
19.3.1 Tuition and Required Fees - Tuition and required fees for courses dropped prior to the official census date (e.g. twelfth class day for Fall and Spring terms and fourth class day for five and six week Summer terms) for the semester, term or class will be refunded in full in accordance with Section 54.006 of the Texas Education Code. No refunds will be made for classes dropped after the official census date for the semester, term or class.
19.3.2 Meal Plan Fees - Meal plan refunds are calculated according to the following schedule:
Fall, Spring or 10-Week Semester
- Prior to the first class day - 100 percent
- During the first five class days - 80 percent
- During the second five class days - 70 percent
- During the third five class days - 50 percent
- During the fourth five class days - 25 percent
- After the fourth five class days - None
Five-Week Summer Term
- Prior to the first class day - 100 percent
- During the first, second or third class day - 80 percent
- During the fourth, fifth or sixth class day - 50 percent
- Seventh day of class and thereafter - None
19.3.3 Housing Reservation Deposit - Housing deposits are refunded in accordance with the terms and conditions outlined in the housing contract signed by the student. Contact Residence Life at 409-740-4445 for additional information.
19.3.4 Room Security Deposits - The security deposit is refunded in accordance with the terms and conditions outlined in the contract signed by the student. Contact Residence Life at 409-740- 4445 for additional information.
19.3.5 Residence Hall Room Rent - These fees will be refunded in accordance with the terms and conditions outlined in the contract signed by the student. Contact Residence Life at 409-740- 4445 for additional information.
19.3.6 General Deposits - In accordance with Texas Education Code Section 54.502, general deposits are returned automatically within six to eight weeks upon the withdrawal or graduation of a student. Amounts necessary to cover any outstanding charges, loss, damage, or breakage caused by the student is deducted prior to any refund. Students who leave the university without withdrawing or graduating must request a refund of their general deposit. Deposits remaining unclaimed for four years are forfeited into a scholarship fund.
19.3.7 Parking Permits - Refunded by returning the permit to Campus Police. Refunds are prorated on a weekly basis. Contact Campus Police at 409-740-4545 for additional information.
19.3.8 Athletic Sports Passes - Refunded by returning the refund request form and sports pass to the Athletic Ticket Office located in the Zone at Kyle Field. Refunds are issued on a prorated basis. Contact Student Life at 409-740-4561 for additional information.