If you observe any behavior that is concerning you may report the behavior using the online report form. This is not to be used for emergencies. If you are in an emergency situation that requires medical, psychological or police services, call 911.
6. Non-Degree Seeking Students
(Revised: 2019)
6.1 A non-degree seeking undergraduate is a student who, for good reason, has been allowed to pursue a course of study differing from any regular curriculum and not leading to a degree. He or she must meet the prerequisites for enrollment in the individual courses. The program of the undergraduate student is subject to approval of his or her Dean or designee.
6.2 A student in post-baccalaureate non-degree status seeking admission to a graduate degree program must complete a “Graduate Application for Admission and Financial Assistance” or “Application for Admission for International Students,” submit the required application fee, submit all required credentials and meet immigration and admission requirements for the program.
6.3 Graduate courses completed before a student is officially admitted to graduate status cannot normally be used toward a degree program. Permission to use hours completed in non-degree status must be requested by a student’s department and approved by the student’s college and the Office of Graduate Studies. Such a request should be made at the time an applicant is accepted into a graduate degree program.
6.4 Non-degree seeking students are typically not eligible for federal financial aid, with the exception of some certificates. However, a student enrolled in preparatory coursework necessary to enroll in a degree seeking program (either at the undergraduate or graduate level) may request aid for a 12 month period or until fully admitted to the degree program.