If you observe any behavior that is concerning you may report the behavior using the online report form. This is not to be used for emergencies. If you are in an emergency situation that requires medical, psychological or police services, call 911.
9. Transfer Credit
(Revised: 1996)
9.1 Students who transfer to Texas A&M from an institution of higher education that is not accredited by one of the regional accrediting associations may validate the work taken at the institution by one of the following methods:
9.1.1 Successful completion of a comprehensive departmental examination or a nationally standardized examination that is approved by the department. There should be no charge for departmental examinations.
9.1.2 Successful completion of a higher level course in the same subject area when approved by the head of the department and the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Chief Academic Officer.
9.2 As a general rule, credit will be given for transfer work satisfactorily completed with a passing grade at another properly accredited institution. Credits given by transfer are provisional and may be cancelled at any time if the student’s work in the university is unsatisfactory.
Credit will be given to students transferring from nonaccredited public colleges in Texas for work completed with grades of C or better if they earn a grade point ratio of 2.00 (C average) on the first 30 hours of residence work at this university.
Acceptance of transfer credit for courses in agriculture and business administration will generally be limited to those courses taught in the freshman and sophomore years at this institution.
Transfer work from international colleges and universities will be evaluated on an individual basis. No English credits are awarded from schools located in non-English speaking countries. “A” level examinations will transfer. Baccalaureate II examinations will not transfer, but these students may take CLEP or departmental examinations to receive credit.
Students should also refer to sections 14.19 through 14.22 of this publication.