If you observe any behavior that is concerning you may report the behavior using the online report form. This is not to be used for emergencies. If you are in an emergency situation that requires medical, psychological or police services, call 911.
62. Fire
62.1 In case of fire, bomb threat or similar emergency:
62.2 Sound the nearest fire alarm.
62.3 Alert the hall residents.
62.4 Notify floor Resident Advisor and Resident Advisor on duty.
62.5 Call Campus Police at 740-4545 or City Emergency at 911.
62.6 Evacuate through nearest clear exit.
62.7 When fire alarm sounds:
62.7.1 Alert roommate.
62.7.2 Close all windows and doors, including bathroom door.
62.7.3 Turn off air conditioners.
62.7.4 Evacuate the room and close the door.
62.7.5 Alert suite mates.
62.7.6 Evacuate building through nearest clear exit. Do not run or panic but move rapidly to the designated assembly point for your residence hall area. Once outside go directly to your assembly point for accountability check. Identify any resident that you believe may be in the building. Report any students believed to be in the building to a Resident Advisor or student leader. Remain in assembly areas until released by Campus Police or other university official.