Lene H. Petersen, PhD
Chair of Undergraduate Research
Instructional Assistant Professor of Marine Biology
OCSB (Bldg. 3029) Rm. 252
(409) 740-4786
The mission of the Texas A&M University Galveston Campus (TAMUG) Undergraduate Research (UGR) Program is to enhance undergraduate education through the integration of high impact learning experiences and fostering of “…original intellectual or creative contribution to the discipline” (-The Council of Undergraduate Research) by the undergraduate student.
The TAMUG Undergraduate Research program values intellectual and creative scholarship and research as a high impact learning experience that will ultimately enhance knowledge through hands-on application and making contributions towards solving ocean-centered “real world” problems that impact marine wildlife and resources, coastal communities, maritime industries and infrastructure.
We help with facilitating undergraduate access to research opportunities both on and off campus. We can help connect a student with a faculty member or find faculty members with a specific expertise. We can provide suggestions for off campus internships and research experiences. We strive to provide continuous support for students during their undergraduate research experience and assist with deadline reminders, scholarship opportunities and any other support that will enhance the student’s success.
This section will provide further information about the benefits of undergraduate research, how to get started and which opportunities you have. Download the printable “How to get Started” and “Quick facts about UGR” files. Also see section “Undergraduate Research Opportunities”.
The TAMUG Undergraduate Research program will fund TAMUG full-time enrolled undergraduate students currently engaged in or planning on engaging in high impact learning and research experiences outside of the classroom under the mentorship of TAMUG Faculty.
The purpose of the scholarship is to empower students to engage in research that will enhance academic and professional skills needed for a competitive job market and/or graduate school applications.
We offer two undergraduate research scholarships: 1) ACES (Aggies Commit to Excellence Scholar) which is funded by the TAMUG Research Office and 2) LSAMP (Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation) which is funded by NSF and offered to TAMUG students by the TAMUS LSAMP (https://tamuslsamp.org/about-us/) partnership. Students apply for both scholarships via the same application portal (see link below) but can only hold one of the scholarships per semester. ACES is open to students from any scientific discipline whereas LSAMP can only be offered to students doing research projects in the STEM* disciplines.
*STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).
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