Comunidad Week 3 Information    

Photo of Maya Sandy

Maya Sandy
Career Services Coordinator for the Counseling, Career & Ability Services Department

Maya graduated ‘22 in MARB/MARF. Maya loves connecting with students and keeps her door open for all students at any time!

Photo of Jamie Steichen

Jamie Steichen
Faculty in MARB

Jamie has been involved with TAMUG since 2003 as an undergraduate then graduate student, research scientist, lecturer (2015-2020) and now as faculty starting in 2020. She joined the faculty at TAMUG as an Instructional Assistant Professor in the department of Marine Biology. She is originally from Wisconsin and moved to Texas in 1995. She and her husband love cooking and baking and cannot wait to have you in their home on the island to enjoy a great meal and lively conversation. They have 2 small dogs and 2 cats so you can get in some pet snuggles too!

Photo of Rachel Ball

Rachel Ball
Assistant Director of Academic Advising

Rachel Ball is the Assistant Director of Academic Advising, TAMUG graduate '11 in Marine Biology. Rachel is a first-generation college student and was the first in her family to earn a bachelor and masters degree. She loves to play Pokémon Go, her favorite holiday is Christmas, and she loves to try new foods!

Photo of Charolotte Tassin

Charolotte Tassin
Assistant Financial Manager

Charolotte grew up in Los Lunas, NM. She's lived in TX for 14 years. She did work for Walt Disney World, Coldwell Banker and Davey Tree. She loves finding new friends in all areas of life.

Photo of Rachel Sellers-Jaime

Rachel Sellers-Jaime
Academic advisor II for the Marine Biology, and Marine and Coastal Environmental Science departments

Rachel is a TAMUG graduate of '15, from the Marine Biology program and minored in Diving Technologies and Methods. Rachel bounced between the waters of Texas and Alaska before returning to call Galveston home. Rachel loves aerial arts, and ghost stories. She would love to take you on a spooky historical stroll of downtown.

Photo of Susan H Lee

Susan H Lee
Associate Vice President for Finance and Compliance Officer

Susan enjoys meeting new people and discovering the many different ways people interact with each other. Love to meet over a meal as the "kitchen table" is the greatest meeting spot for important conversations.

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