Texas A&M University at Galveston Space Allocation Process
Final Approval: December 1, 2021
The Galveston Campus of Texas A&M University will use a transparent process of evaluation for any request of new space; construction, demolition, remodeling and renovation of existing space; request for art or campus features; and reallocation of space within units. Requests and evaluations for space allocation can be done under the following guiding principles:
- The need should align with strategic and aspirational goals (e.g., Research Scholarship, Teaching/Student Success, and Program Development)
- Specific areas of performance that are aligned with strategic and aspirational goals will be heavily weighted in space allocation decisions (e.g., grants and contract activity, recruitment and retention of historically under-represented students, development and implementation of high impact and technology-mediated instructional activities, types of degree managed, mentorship of graduate students with appropriate time to degree)
- Approval by the CBE and the COO does not take into consideration any associated costs to move, renovate or reconfigure newly assigned space. Centralized funding is not guaranteed. Requesting units and departments will need to take this into consideration when drafting their proposals.
1. Requests for Space
Requests are submitted in writing to the department or unit head for approval prior to submission. Each request should include the following information:
- name of the department or unit
- square footage, number of offices, numbers and types of spaces requested
- number of faculty, staff, and/or students involved
- how the request aligns with strategic and aspirational goals (e.g., Research Scholarship, Teaching/Student Success, and Program Development)
- expected renovations/remodeling required
- expected usage/purpose for space
- explanation of funding sources requested and/or available
The department or unit head will submit to the Co-Chairs of the Council for the Built Environment (CBE), through the Executive Assistant III for the Chief Academic Officer.
2. Request for Construction, Demolition, Remodeling and Renovation
A user intending to construct, demolish, or remodel/renovate space should send a request to the department or unit head for approval. The department or unit head will submit to the Co-Chairs of the CBE, through the Executive Assistant III for the Chief Academic Officer.
3. Request Process for Art or Campus Features
A user intending to advocate for a permanent art piece sends a request to the department or unit head for approval. The department or unit head will submit to the Co-Chairs of the CBE, through the Executive Assistant III for the Chief Academic Officer.
4. Reallocation of Space within Units
The campus Executive Team members are responsible for the space currently on their inventory. Any intra-divisional space assignments will be determined by each Executive Team member. If the Executive Team member plans to modify the space in any permanent way, however, the plan to modify the space must be submitted to the CBE for review, through the Executive Assistant III for the Chief Academic Officer.
5. Process Timeline
The CBE accepts proposals and meets quarterly as reflected below.
Quarter | Proposals Accepted | CBE Meets and Determines Recommendations | VP/COO Approves or Denies Recommendations |
1st | September | October | November |
2nd | December | January | February |
3rd | March | April | May |
4th | June | July | August |
- First Month of the Quarter:
Proposals are accepted for consideration. All proposals must be received by the last day of the month for consideration at the next CBE quarterly meeting. Email notice will be sent to the Executive Team and Academic Leadership Team that the proposal period is open. Any proposals received outside of the quarterly timeline will be held until the next quarterly meeting. - Second Month of the Quarter:
All proposals received will be accessible to the CBE members in the CBE shared Google drive. The CBE members will review the proposals prior to the regularly scheduled quarterly meeting. When the CBE meets, all proposals will be discussed and reviewed for alignment with strategic and aspirational goals (e.g., Research Scholarship, Teaching/Student Success, and Program Development).
Once the CBE members agree on the recommendation to be made to the Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, the proposals will move forward to the Vice President and Chief Operating Officer for final decisions.
Should the CBE members have questions relating to a proposal, clarification will be requested directly from the requestor. Once the new information is received, the CBE will reconvene or vote via email on the recommendation before the end of the month.
The CBE may, at its discretion, schedule a hearing and the requestors may be invited to come present their proposals and answer questions.
If no proposals were received, the quarterly CBE meeting will be cancelled. - Third Month of the Quarter:
All CBE recommendations, along with the proposals, are provided to the Vice President and Chief Operating Officer.
The Co-Chairs will schedule a meeting with the Vice President and Chief Operating Officer to discuss the proposals and the CBE recommendation.
Once the Vice President and Chief Operating Officer has decided on all proposals received and informs the Co-Chairs, requestors will be notified of the outcome by the Co-Chairs in writing, typically no later than the last day of the month.
If the Vice President and Chief Operating Officer approves the recommendation, actual modifications must be reported to the TAMU Office of Facilities Coordination through the Associate Vice President for Administration and Auxiliary Services.
6. Major Campus Construction Projects
In the event of a new building being constructed and/or large or numerous spaces being vacated, the CBE will direct a specific call for proposals to campus leadership using the same quarterly timeline when feasible. Building floor plans will be made available on the CBE website for all to access to help prepare their proposals. This will also likely occur in phases due to the domino effect of moving and vacating spaces.
Council for the Built Environment Website:
CBE Shared Google Drive for Members Only: