Developmental Education Program

The Developmental Education Support Program is designed to provide comprehensive support for students to achieve academic success in their specific areas of need determined by the Texas Success Initiative Assessment (TSIA2). The program offers support through developmental education courses, co-enrollment courses, and academic coaching/advising to enhance the foundation of success and to build confidence in learning.

Developmental Education Support Purpose    

The Developmental Education Support Program equips students with the tools and confidence to excel in college-level coursework at Texas A&M University at Galveston. 

Prepare for College-Level Courses It prepares students for co-enrollment courses or for college-level courses by addressing specific academic needs.

Gap-Filling The ASCC support courses are led by faculty members in LIST and FSCI to assist students in filling the gaps in fundamental areas such as reading, writing, and math to ensure students have a solid foundation for success in their college courses.

Extra Support The program provides additional support through Academic and Peer Coaching tailored to individual student needs. 

Boosting Confidence and Readiness By addressing challenges early with added support, the program builds resilience and readiness to face other academic challenges throughout college. 

Connecting with Campus Resources It facilitates connections with campus resources through smaller community environments.

Developmental Education Support Courses    

ASCC 001:Basic Math Skills
ASCC 001:Basic Math Skills

Developmental instruction in mathematics includes integers, rational numbers, applications, exponents, polynomials, solutions of equations, graphing, elementary geometry, and reasoning skills. May not be used toward a degree. 

Students must continuously enroll in the developmental education program until they have reached TSI compliance. 

ASCC 002: Corequisite Math Support
ASCC 002: Corequisite Math Support

Designed to support students in their college level math class that is on their degree guide. 

Students are co-enrolled depending on degree requirements. Students will be co-enrolled in ASCC 002 & MATH 140 or ASCC 002 & MATH 150. ASCC 002 may not be used toward a degree. 

Students must continuously enroll in the developmental education program until they have reached TSI compliance. 

ASCC 003: Corequisite IRW Support ( Reading & Writing)
ASCC 003: Corequisite IRW Support ( Reading & Writing)

Designed to support students in their college level ELAR (reading/writing) class that is on their degree guide

Students are co-enrolled in ASCC 003 & POLS 206. ASCC 003 may not be used toward a degree.  

Students must continuously enroll in the developmental education program until they have reached TSI compliance. 

ASCC 004: Reading/ Writing Connections
ASCC 004: Reading/ Writing Connections

Designed for students whose Texas Success Initiative requirement for ELAR has not been met; develops additional reading and writing skills by emphasizing the interrelatedness between the two disciplines. May not be used for credit toward a degree. 

Students must continuously enroll in the developmental education program until they have reached TSI compliance. 

Potential Paths for Developmental Education    

Reading/ Writing Support
Reading/ Writing Support

Reading/Writing Developmental Education Support Sequence 



Reading/Writing Co-Enrollment Support Sequence 


DevED 2Students must continuously enroll in the developmental education program until they have reached TSI compliance. 

Math Support
Math Support

Math Developmental Education Support Sequence 


math deved

Math Co-Enrollment Support Sequence 


 Students must continuously enroll in the developmental education program until they have reached TSI compliance. 

Reading/ Writing and Math Support
Reading/ Writing and Math Support

Combined Reading/Writing/Math Developmental Education Support Sequence

combined DevED

Students must continuously enroll in the developmental education program until they have reached TSI compliance.