Master of Maritime Business Administration and Logistics

We aim to push students interested in maritime business administration to the next level by giving them the skills necessary for tomorrow’s leaders in the maritime industry. Completing the Master’s in Maritime Business Administration and Logistics places students in a prime position for successful leadership roles within the field of maritime business administration.

Master of Maritime Business Administration and Logistics Degree    

This highly competitive and rewarding program gives students the opportunity to elevate their learning and better prepare them for the mantle of leadership within a steadily growing industry. The coursework is a culmination of experienced experts sharing and the latest advances within the industry, in which our program is heavily connected. We offer several routes to completion of this degree, including an on-campus track that offers a License Option, a five-year combined undergraduate-graduate program, a thesis option, and an online degree option. Whichever you choose, you’ll be putting yourself on course for an exhilarating and rewarding career.


License Option Available    

Students with an interest can elect the License Option, which will allow them to become a Third Mate deck officer (unlimited oceans, unlimited tonnage) upon graduation. Participation in the Corps of Cadets is necessary for this option.

Master of Maritime Business Administration and Logistics and Juris Doctor Combined Degree Program    

The Maritime industry is a highly regulated area that often requires a broad understanding of the legal system. This combined degree program offered by the School of Law and Texas A&M University at Galveston’s Maritime Business Administration would permit qualified students to satisfy the requirements for both the Juris Doctor and Masters in Maritime Business Administration and Logistics degrees concurrently in four years. Under the combined degree program, students would earn a minimum of ninety credit hours to satisfy the requirements of the Juris Doctor degree and thirty-six credit hours to satisfy the requirements of the Masters degree. Learn more here

Program Requirements    

Note: the program follows university policy, which allows students to use a maximum of 9 hours of 300/400 level courses as electives. 

Application Deadlines    


October 1


May 1

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Apply Today    

At Texas A&M University at Galveston we offer a comprehensive array of degrees that are geared to make the most of our ideal location on the edge of the waters of the Gulf of Mexico. With programs ranging from marine biology to maritime business administration led by enterprising professors at the top of their fields, we’re full of the opportunities you’re seeking. See below for more information about the Maritime Business Administration degree programs at the graduate level:

3+2 Master of Maritime Business Administration Degree

Only current students attending Texas A&M University at Galveston that are majoring in Maritime Business Administration can apply to the 3+2 Master of Maritime Business Administration and Logistics degree. If you have an interest in the program and have more than 60 credit hours, please email Vito Ciminello at and copy Lana Polzin at

Master of Maritime Business Administration and Logistics 

All other students can apply for the thesis (research) or non-thesis (professional) track using the GraduateCAS application which can be found by clicking the "Admissions Information" box below. Non-thesis master’s students may also apply for the License Option. Please see the Graduate CAS Application Procedure by clicking the "Admissions Information" box below for detailed instructions. Submission deadlines for these applications are as follows: Spring applications are due on October 1st. Fall applications are due May 1st.

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