Hui Liu
Associate Professor
Department of Marine Biology

Phone: +1 (409) 740.4716
Fax: +1 (409) 740.5001
Learn more about Hui Liu
- Get To Know
Hui Liu
What in your life drew you to your current field of study?
Passion, preparation and persistence to understand the mysterious fluctuations of marine living resources in a changing world.
What do you hope your students gain from studying or working with you?
I believe “teaching students how to think is more important than what to think”. From studying or working with me, I expect my students to develop the skills for independent-thinking, logical-reasoning and problem-solving, which is key to be competent for career development.
What are you passionate about in your personal life?
Family, friends and hobbies.
- Expertise
Zooplankton processes in the ocean, population dynamics and interactions of marine fishes, quantitative fisheries research, statistical and numerical ecosystem modeling. - Education
Ph.D. Oceanography, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2006
M.S. Statistics, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2008
M.S. Marine Biology, Ocean University of China, 1995
B.S. Fisheries, Ocean University of China, 1992 - Courses Taught
MARB 460: Fisheries Population Dynamics
MARB 689: Advanced Methods for Environmental Data Analysis - Publications
Li C, Liu H. (2025) Modeling larval recruitment dynamics of eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica) with implications for restoration and management of oyster fisheries. Marine Ecological Progress Series. DOI:
Dias LM, Liu H, Hu X. (2025) Spatial and seasonal variability of CO2 flux and carbonate chemistry in a subtropical estuary. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 316 (2025) 109197
Liu Y, Ren Y, Li K, Tan Y, Liu H, Ke Z et al. (2025) Effects of monsoon-driven currents on copepods in the Northeast South China Sea. Journal of Geographical Research: Oceans, 130, e2024JC021944.
Liu H, Gilmartin J, Sluis MZ, Kobari T, Rooker JR, Bi H, Quigg A. (2024) Dynamic oceanographic influences on zooplankton communities over the northern Gulf of Mexico continental shelf. Journal of Sea Research.
Li C, Liu H (2023) Comparative ecosystem modelling of dynamics and stability of subtropical estuaries under external perturbations in the Gulf of Mexico. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 2023, 0, 1–16.
Bi H, Song J, Zhao J, Liu H, Cheng X, Wang L, Cai Z, Benfield M, Otto S, Goberville E, Keister J, Yang Y, Yu X, Cai J, Ying K, Gonversi A (2022) Temporal characteristics of plankton indicators in coastal waters: High-frequency data from PlanktonScope. Journal of Sea Research 189:102283.
Liu H, Nour El-Din N, Rowe G, Al-Ansi M, Wei C, Soliman Y, Nunnally C, Quigg A, Al-Ansari I, Al-Maslamani I, Abdel-Moati M (2022) Characteristics and renewal of zooplankton communities under extreme environmental stresses in the oligotrophic hypersaline Arabian Gulf. Progress in Oceanography 201, 102643.
Li C, Liu H (2022) Exploring cosmopolitan jellyfish (Aurelia spp.) bloom dynamics and ecological implications in subtropical waters with mechanistic dynamic modeling. Journal of Marine Systems 228, 103705.
Li C, Ciannelli L, Bancroft M, Rooker J R, Ryer C, Liu H (2022). Interplay of temperature and hypoxia in habitat quality for a juvenile demersal fish in a coastal upwelling system. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.
Liao T, Tan Y, Liu H, Yu L, Li K (2022) Vertical distribution of planktonic ostracods (Halocyprididae) in the northeastern and central South China Sea: Significance of large-sized species in deep waters. Fisheries Oceanography.
Rooker JR, Wells RJD, Block BA, Liu H. et al. (2021) Natal origin and age-specific egress of Pacific bluefin tuna from coastal nurseries revealed with geochemical markers. Scientific Reports 11, 14216.
Ren Y, Yin J, Tan Y, Liu H, Yu L, Li K. (2021) Monsoon-driven seasonal and spatial distribution of the copepod community along the northwest continental shelf of the South China Sea. Journal of Marine Systems.
Liu H, Gilmartin J, Li C, Li K. (2021) Detection of time-varying pulsed events effects on estuarine pelagic communities with ecological indicators after catastrophic hurricanes. Ecological Indicators.
Gilmartin J, Yang Q, Liu H. (2020) Seasonal abundance and distribution of chaetognaths in the northern Gulf of Mexico: the effects of Loop Current and Mississippi River plume. Continental Shelf Research.
Cebrian J, Liu H, Christman M, Hollweg T, French McCay D, Balouskus R, McManus C, Ballestero H, White J, Friedman S, Benson K. (2020) Standardizing estimates of biomass at recruitment and productivity for fin- and shellfish in coastal habitats. Estuaries and Coasts.
Schwing FB, Sissenwine MJ, Batchelder H, Dam HG, Gómez-Gutiérrez J, Keister JE, Liu H, Peterson JO. (2020) BILL PETERSON'S contributions to ocean science, management, and policy. Progress in Oceanography.
Zuo T, Liu H. (2019) Seasonal size composition and abundance distribution of Euphausia pacifica in relation to environmental factors in the southern Yellow Sea. Acta Oceanologica Sinica 38:2, 70–77.
Kobari T, Sastri AR, Yebra L, Liu H, Hopcroft RR. (2019) Evaluation of trade-offs in traditional methodologies for measuring metazooplankton growth rates: assumptions, advantages and disadvantages for field applications. Progress in Oceanography 10.1016/j.pocean.2019.102137
Rooker JR, Fraile I, Liu H, Abid N, Dance MA, Itoh T, Kimoto A, Tsukahara Y, Rodriguez-Marin E, Arrizabalaga H. (2019) Wide-ranging temporal variation in transoceanic movement and population mixing of bluefin tuna in the North Atlantic Ocean. Frontiers in Marine Science 6:398.doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00398
Yang Q, Liu H, Liu G-z, Gu Y-b. 2018. Spatio-temporal distribution pattern of Calanus sinicus and its relationship with climate variability in the northern Yellow Sea. ICES Journal of Marine Science 75:2, 764–772.
Liu H, Zhang X, Yang Q, Zuo T, Quigg A. 2017. Mesozooplankton dynamics in relation to environmental factors and juvenile fish in a subtropical estuary of the Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Coastal Research 33:5, 1038–1050.
Harford WJ, Karnauskas M, Walter JF, Liu H. 2017. Non-parametric modeling reveals environmental effects on Bluefin tuna recruitment in Atlantic, Pacific, and Southern Oceans. Fisheries Oceanography 26:4, 396–412.
Liu H, Karnauskas M, Zhang X, Linton B, Porch C. 2017. Forecasting dynamics of red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico. Fisheries Research 187:31–40.
Bi R, Liu H. 2017. Effects of variability among individuals on zooplankton population dynamics under environmental conditions. Marine Ecology Progress Series 564: 9–28.
Hu H, Wang J, Liu H, Goes J. 2016. Simulation of phytoplankton distributions and variations in the Bering-Chukchi Sea with a 3-D physical biological model, Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans 121:4041–4055.
Liu H, Bi H, Peterson WT. 2015.Large-scale forcing of environmental conditions on subarctic copepods in the northern California Current system. Progress in Oceanography 134:404–412.
Glaser SM, Fogarty MJ, Liu H, Altman I, Hsieh C-h, Kaufman L, MacCall A, Rosenberg A, Ye H, Sugihara G. 2014. Dynamic complexity in coupled human-marine resource systems. Fish and Fisheries 15:616–633.
Liu H, Fogarty MJ, Hare JA, Hsieh C-h, Glaser SM, Ye H, Deyle E, Sugihara G. 2014. Modeling dynamic interactions and coherence between marine zooplankton and fishes linked to environmental variability. Journal of Marine Systems 131:120–129.
Liu H, Hopcroft RR, Bi H. 2013. Statistical modeling copepod growth rates: comparisons for data collections using the artificial cohort (AC) method. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 448:271–280.
Liu H, Fogarty MJ, Glaser SM, Altman I, Kaufman L, Rosenberg AA, Sugihara G. 2012. Nonlinear dynamic features and co-predictability in the Georges Bank fish community. Marine Ecology Progress Series 464:195–207.
- Presentations
- A simulation model for estimating the growth and production of jellyfish (Aurelia aurita). North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES) 2019 annual meeting, Victoria, Canada
- Impacts of the Loop Current associated mesoscale processes on zooplankton communities in the northern Gulf of Mexico. North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES) 2019 annual meeting, Victoria, Canada
- Resilience of estuarine pelagic communities to extreme flooding after a catastrophic hurricane in Galveston Bay. TAMU Hazard Reduction & Recovery Center, College Station, Texas
- Near-term responses of estuarine zooplankton to extreme flooding after a catastrophic hurricane, ASLO aquatic science meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico
- A predictive modeling approach for single stocks, fish community and fisheries ecosystems. NOAA Fisheries Modeling Workshop, NOAA/NMFS/SWFSC, Santa Cruz, California
- Overview of artificial cohort method for estimating zooplankton production in the ocean. North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES) 2018 annual meeting, Yokohama, Japan
- Spatio-temporal distribution pattern of Calanus sinicus and its relationship with climate variability in the northern Yellow Sea, North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES) 2018 annual meeting, Yokohama, Japan
- A predictive modeling approach for single stocks, fish community and fisheries ecosystems. North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES) 2018 annual meeting, Yokohama, Japan
- Impacts of Hurricane Harvey on zooplankton and the hydrographic conditions in Galveston Bay. Hurricane Harvey Research Symposium, Port Aransas, Texas
- Zooplankton, fisheries and the environment in a changing world. Xiamen University, Xiamen, China
- Zooplankton, fisheries and the environment in a changing world. South China Sea Institute of Oceanography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou, China
- Roles of zooplankton in trophic interactions and ecosystem shift of a subtropical estuary. ASLO summer meeting, Victoria, Canada
- Quantifying the trans-boundary mixing rates of Atlantic Bluefin tuna. AZTI Tecnalia, Pasaia, Spain
- Applications of nonlinear forecasting models to single species, fish community and fisheries ecosystems. AZTI Tecnalia, Pasaia, Spain
- Grants and Fellowships
2019: National Science Foundation supported travel to 2019 PICES annual meeting in Victoria, Canada [$4,000]
2018: National Science Foundation supported travel to 2018 PICES annual meeting in Yokohama, Japan [$5,000]
2017: National Science Foundation: RAPID Research: Urgent sampling zooplankton for assessing ecosystem restoration of Galveston Bay after catastrophic impacts of Hurricane Harvey [sole PI: $100,061]
2016: Natural Science Foundation of China: Causes and mechanism of the increase of Calanus sinicus population density in the northern Yellow Sea under global change [Co-PI: ~$100,000]
2015: NOAA Bluefin Tuna Research Program: Development and application of mixed-stock models for determining the origin of Bluefin tuna using natural geochemical tags [Co-PI: $116,597]
2013: NOAA Fisheries and the Environment Program: Exploring the utility of nonlinear time series models forecasting stock abundance of red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) in the Gulf of Mexico [PI: $74,397]
2013: NOAA Stock Assessment Improvement Program: Exploring nonlinear time series models for forecasting stock abundances in the Gulf of Mexico [PI: $67,474] - Professional Appointments
2019-, Associate Editor-Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2017-, U.S. representative on the North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES) workgroup on zooplankton production
2013-, Graduate Faculty of the Department of Oceanography, Texas A&M University
- Graduate Students
Zhixuan Song, PhD. Student.
Bailey Lin, M.S. Student