
Coastal wetland ecology and restoration

Evolution, biogeography and development of marine annelids

Biology and ecology of bony fishes, sharks, and rays

Conservation and population genetics of pelagic fishes

Benthic Ecology, Climate and Human Impacts on Marine Ecosystems

Comparative physiology and ecology of marine mammals and birds

Behavioral ecology and genetics of cetaceans

Environmental toxicology, metabolic and endocrine biomarkers, computational biology

Seafood Microbiology and Safety

Ecology, physiology and evolution of cnidarian-microbe symbioses

Marine microbial ecology and evolution, virus-host interactions

Zooplankton population dynamics, quantitative fisheries research

Functional and ecological morphology, biomechanics, conservation

Evolution, genomics, and ecology of Hydrozoa (Cnidaria)

Fish cardiovascular physiology, fish reproduction, conservation physiology

Phytoplankton ecophysiology, bioindicators and ecotoxicology, environmental stress and climate change

Plankton ecology, theoretical ecology

Ecology of estuarine, coastal, and pelagic fishes

Ecology of coastal vertebrates, environmental DNA

Phytoplankton ecology, harmful algal bloom monitoring and freshwater bioindicators

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Adjunct and Emeritus Faculty      

Photo of Donald E. Harper

Donald E. Harper
Professor Emeritus

Invertebrate zoology, polychaete systematics and taxonomy, marine invertebrate ecology

Photo of Gilbert Rowe

Gilbert Rowe
Regents Professor Emeritus

Benthic ecology, ecosystem function and structure, carbon and nitrogen cycles, food chain models, environmental quality and sustainable development

Behavioral ecology of dolphins, porpoises, and whales

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Advises students with last names N-Z


Advises students with last names A-M


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