Hate is NOT an Aggie value.

Addressing it is EVERYONE’S responsibility.


As a major public institution of higher education, Texas A&M University has both an extraordinary opportunity and a special responsibility to create and maintain a climate that affirms diversity of persons as well as diversity of views - an indispensable component of academic excellence. This commitment means a commitment to support individuals from all groups, regardless of race, ethnicity, national origin, gender identity, age, socioeconomic background, religion, sexual orientation, or disability. We will provide students, faculty, and staff a university experience rich in perspectives and opportunities to learn from each other.

Statement on Harassment and Discrimination

Texas A&M is committed to the fundamental principles of academic freedom, equality of opportunity and human dignity. To fulfill its multiple missions as an institution of higher learning, Texas A&M encourages a climate that values and nurtures collegiality, pluralism and the uniqueness of the individual within our state, nation and world. All decisions and actions involving students and employees should be based on applicable law and individual merit.

Texas A&M University, in accordance with applicable federal and state law, prohibits discrimination, including harassment, on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

Individuals who believe they have experienced harassment or discrimination prohibited by this statement are encouraged to contact the appropriate Designated Official.

If the alleged offender is a:

STUDENT – Associate Vice-President for Student Affairs, , 409-740-4598

FACULTY – Dean of Faculties,,  979-845-4274

STAFF or THIRD PARTY – Executive Director of Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness, , 409-740-4532

Preventing Hate Crimes and Hate/Bias Events

Too often, acts of hate and bias go unreported for a number of reasons ranging from a lack of trust to fear of reprisal. Some events, like racial epithets written on bathroom walls, are occasionally dismissed as “too trivial” to report. However, research suggests that these types of events tend to build into much bigger ones. Furthermore, they create a hostile, unsafe, and unwelcoming climate for the people they target and do damage to our community as a whole.

These events are highly significant. Those targeted cannot easily grow, flourish, or carry out everyday functions without difficulty, like walking to school or to their place of residence.

How Can We Prevent Acts of Hate and Bias?

  • Be mindful of your language; avoid stereotypical remarks and challenge those made by others.

  • Speak out against jokes and slurs that target people or groups. Silence sends a message that you are in agreement. It is not enough to refuse to laugh.

  • Be knowledgeable; provide as much accurate information as possible to reject harmful myths and stereotypes. Discuss the impact of prejudicial attitudes and behavior with your family and friends.

  • Read and encourage others to read books that promote understanding of different cultures as well as those that are written by authors of diverse backgrounds.

  • Initiate classroom discussions of terms such as anti-Semitism, racism, sexism, homophobia, and bias.

  • Promote respectful conflict resolution.

  • Make respect for diversity a core value in your organization.

  • Provide ongoing awareness programs about the value of diversity.

  • Create an environment conducive to the exploration of diversity.

  • Participate in the many events at Texas A&M that support a wide range of diverse people and customs. By going out of your comfort zone, you will learn a lot about yourself and others.

What is a hate/bias-related event?

The university defines a “bias complaint” as any report of a threat or act of harassment or intimidation directed against or targeting a person or groups of persons of the Texas A&M community because of that person’s age, color, disability, marital status, national or ethnic origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status, or medical or genetic information.

This definition is used for reporting and statistical purposes only.

Reported incidents that rise to the level of illegal discrimination (see University Rule 08.01.01.M1) may be referred to appropriate university authorities for potential disciplinary action.