Academic Coaching    

Coaching Image


The Academic Coaching & Success Program aims to assist students in developing themselves holistically to be best prepared to market their skills and passion throughout their academic careers and into their future endeavors. Professional academic coaches and trained peer coaches will utilize student development theory to engage students and guide their identity development through the stages of college.

This program is an amazing resource for students who could benefit from additional support in developing critical academic skills. With elements including goal setting, time management, study skills, and strengths development, our professional academic coaches assist each participant in building an action plan and the skills that will benefit them. Academic coaching is a collaborative process between the student, academic coach, and campus resources to build value to their education and self.

General Coaching Services    

Academic coaching services are available to any student on campus that would like to utilize them. If you would like to develop a personalized plan to reach your goals, you can get started by scheduling an appointment with one of our professional coaches. If you prefer to get started by connecting with one of your outstanding peer coaches, you can either schedule an appointment or utilize drop-in hours.


Peer Coach Drop-In

Peer coaches are regularly available for virtual drop-in Monday - Friday, 8am - 7pm at the AskAgs Help Desk. Please check Navigate (for specific drop-in hours click here for additional details on using Navigate). 


Peer Coach Appointments

All appointments can be scheduled via Navigate. To schedule with a peer mentor, be sure you select the care unit "TAMU Galveston Academic Peer Support", the location "GV - Center for Academic Learning Support", and then choose the appropriate service with the "Peer Coaching" title. Click here for additional details on using Navigate.


Professional Coach Appointments

All appointments can be scheduled via Navigate. To schedule with a professional coach, be sure you select the care unit "TAMU Galveston", the Location "GV - Center for Academic Learning Support", and then choose the appropriate service with the "Academic Coaching" title. Click here for additional details on using Navigate.

If you have trouble scheduling, please reach out to


Early Alert    

The Early Alert program aims to provide timely and targeted support to students when they really need it. At key points across the scope of each term, instructors for targeted courses will receive progress report requests prompting them to submit an alert for any student that may be having difficulty. A coach will then schedule an initial meeting with each indicated student, to address any immediate concerns and develop a plan for necessary support moving forward. 

Faculty, staff, and students across campus can also submit an ad hoc early alert for any student at any time. If you see a student struggling, let us know!

Learn more about Early Alert