About the TAMUG Digital Repository    

The TAMUG Digital Repository collects, records, provides access to, and archives the research and scholarship of Texas A&M University at Galveston. It contains digital works that reflect the intellectual and service environment of the campus.

The Repository provides increased access to the products of the University's research and scholarship endeavors, fosters the preservation of these digital works for future generations, promotes increasingly rapid advances in scholarly communication, and helps deepen community understanding of the value of higher education.
The Texas A&M University at Galveston Institutional Repository is a service of the Jack K. Williams Library. All current campus students, faculty, and staff are eligible for accounts. Faculty and staff may submit items to the repository; students may do so with a faculty sponsor.

Faculty Scholarly works can be described as intellectual and creative output that may include, but is not limited to: scholarly articles, books, popular articles, commissioned articles, fiction and poetry, encyclopedia entries, ephemeral writings, lecture notes, lecture videos, Powerpoint presentations, or other copyrighted works. The TAMUG Digital Repository is interested in making these items freely available within the limitations of existing copyright agreements.