Several Marine Engineering Technology faculty are involved in cutting edge research in areas like marine decarbonization, cyber security, alternative energy and advanced materials. With students having the chance to engage in high caliber research under the guidance of highly experienced professors and educators, these experiences translate well to a host of job applications.
The Student Research Symposium is hosted at TAMUG annually with an aim to showcase all the research undertaken by students throughout the year. Students present posters of their findings and are judged within their field and in the wider context of the university by faculty members. The Marine Engineering Technology Department has steadily grown its research representation at the conference and aims to exhibit even more research projects in the future.

For undergraduates there is also the opportunity of the Undergraduate Research Scholars program (UGRS), which allows students to pursue a research project under the tutelage of a professor whilst writing a thesis.
For more information about UGRS, please visit the following:
For all other research inquiries, please visit: