Merchant Mariner License Option (LO)

Deck License

  • Unlimited Third Mate Oceans; Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch

Engine License

  • Unlimited; Third Assistant Engineer Steam, Motor, or Gas Turbine; Officer in Charge of an Engineering Watch

General Requirements

Participation in the Merchant Mariner License Option Program issued by the U.S. Coast Guard requires participation in the Texas A&M University Maritime Academy Corps of Cadets as a qualified License Option (LO) cadets in accordance with 46 CFR Part 310. Cadets must also complete the following requirements to receive the degree as per 46 USC 51506:

  • Pass a comprehensive professional examination (either the Third Mate Unlimited-Oceans or Third Assistant Engineering Unlimited) administered by the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) as outlined in 46 USC 7101.

  • Successfully complete competencies required by the International Convention on Standards for Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW).

    Note: STCW competency certifications expire 5 years after completion. If the cadet does not complete the degree within the time period, the cadet will be required to revalidate the expired competency prior to graduation.

  • Evidence of the ability to meet the medical and physical standards established by the USCG regulations 46 USC 7101 and 7302, and 46 CFR Part 10 Subpart C.  Applicants must apply to the USCG for medical certificate. The medical and physical evaluation process includes a vision test, hearing test, general medical exam, and demonstration of physical ability. License Option (LO) Cadets must demonstrate ability to meet USCG medical and physical standards within nine (9) months of enrollment. LO Cadets must continue to meet the USCG medical and physical standards throughout enrollment in an LO program. LO Cadets who fail, or have a change in their ability, to meet USCG medical and physical standards will be transferred out of the LO program until the individual meets the USCG medical and physical standards.

  • Evidence that the Cadet or Midshipman is not a user of illegal drugs. TAMMA maintains a program for testing individuals for evidence of illegal drug use utilizing a DOT approved 5 panel test for Marijuana, Cocaine, Opiates, Phencyclidine, and Amphetamines in accordance with 49 CFR Part 40 . During O-Week, TAMMA will test entering freshmen and Cadets transferring into TAMMA for evidence of the use of illegal drugs. In addition, TAMMA conducts random tests throughout the academic year. Any Cadet who tests positive for the use of illegal drugs or refuses to be tested will be immediately suspended from the Corps and all LO courses and activities for a period of at least one (1) calendar year, depending upon the outcome of a Return-to-Duty process prescribed and monitored by the USCG. 

  • Within 90 days of enrollment apply for and receive a Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) from the Department of Homeland Security

Orientation Week
Orientation Week

Prior to the beginning of their first semester, all new Cadets entering TAMMA, regardless of program, attend Orientation Week (O-Week).

Under the guidance of the Commandant, the Corps of Cadets cadet leadership plans and executes O-Week to introduce each new member to the Corps’ routines and traditions. Cadets also learn military bearing and customs, basic seamanship, engineering and nautical science skills. O-Week training includes, military formations, marching to class and meals, team-building exercises, hands-on seamanship training, and other training to enable new members to hit the decks running when the entire Corps returns for the semester.

Additional License Option Requirements
Additional License Option Requirements

In addition to minimum requirements associated with courses within USCG-approved program of study and training for international STCW Endorsements, Cadets are required to obtain several training endorsements required by the USCG.

Some of these are Basic Training, Advanced Firefighting, Radar and Automated Radar Plotting Aids, The Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) and Bridge Resource Management.

Corps of Cadets Programs    

License Option (LO)
License Option (LO)

License Option cadets fall under one of two categories: Deck or Engine.

Deck Cadets are majors in Marine Transportation, Marine Sciences, Marine Biology, or any of the graduate programs. Deck Cadets take courses in Navigation and Seamanship. Upon graduation, deck cadets will have earned their Third Mate Unlimited Tonnage license signifying their ability to work on the bridge of any size ship as a Third Mate.

Engine Cadets are majors in Marine Engineering Technology. Engine Cadets take courses in naval architecture, marine applications of electrical engineering, and thermodynamics. Upon graduation, engine cadets will have earned their Third Assistant Engineer Unlimited Horsepower license signifying their ability to work in the engine room of any size ship as a Third Assistant Engineer.

All license option cadets complete three sea terms. These sea terms are normally completed in the summers. The first and third sea terms are completed on board a training ship operated by Texas A&M Maritime Academy. The second may be either on a training ship or a commercial vessel.

License Option cadets also have the option to join the Strategic Sealift Midshipman Program (SSMP) and seek a commission in the Naval Reserves upon graduation. This program operates alongside the NROTC unit and is expected to participate in NROTC events. More information regarding SSMP can be found under the NROTC header.

Transfer students from another State or Federal Academy
Transfer students from another State or Federal Academy

The Superintendent may grant an LO Cadet credit for successful completion of coursework, sea service, or the demonstration of practical skills at another State or Federal Maritime Academy.

Applicants who desire to transfer into TAMMA from other State or Federal Maritime Academies or any collegiate service academy must be accepted to Texas A&M University at Galveston and the Texas A&M Maritime Academy and must submit at the time of application to the academy a letter of good standing from the Academy they are transferring from.

Transfer students are encouraged to inquire regarding current policy and provide documentation regarding prior coursework, sea service and conduct records from other Academies.

Strategic Sealift Midshipman Program (SSMP)
Strategic Sealift Midshipman Program (SSMP)

The Strategic Sealift Officer Force provides warfare qualified Navy Reserve Restricted Line Officers with Unlimited Licenses and military training to activate, operate, and sustain strategic sealift to support Joint Force and Fleet requirements in contested maritime environments.

Todays SSOs are under the sponsorship of the Military Sealift Command bridging the gap between the military and the merchant marine during peace and war. SSOs are civilians being employed 96% of the year in the maritime industry and working only 4% of the year as Naval Officers during peace time.

The Strategic Sealift Midshipman Program (SSMP) is designed to train and educate highly qualified students to become commissioned officers in the SSOF component of the U.S. Navy Reserve (USNR) while having a civilian maritime career.

Students enrolled in SSMP may be eligible for a semesterly stipend totaling up to $64,000 in exchange for a minimum 8-year commitment in the Navy Reserves.

Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps (NROTC)
Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps (NROTC)
Victor Company
Victor Company

Membership into Victor Company is awarded to veterans,members or prior service members at the start of their time at TAMMA. Cadets who meet the requirements for consideration for off-campus housing may be awarded membership after the successful completion of their first semester.

Cadets who are 25 years of age or older prior to the first day of class of their first semester and those who are married and or residing with dependents in the Galveston County area may be considered for off-campus housing.

International Cadets
International Cadets

International cadets may pursue the License Option education and training required to become Merchant Marine Officers and a degree from Texas A&M University. Upon completion of all degree requirements, including U.S. Coast Guard License Exams, international cadets receive a Letter of Accreditation.

International cadets are subject to U.S. immigration laws.