Training at Sea

Interactive training at sea is the foundation of the License Option program and provides cadets with unmatched hands-on experience.

Summer Sea Term    

In order to become licensed officers in the Merchant Marine, cadets must fulfill academic and sea service requirements aboard vessels. This training is usually provided during the summer between the spring and fall academic sessions. Cadets in the License Option program will complete three terms at sea. These are defined by the classification of the cadet, starting with MART/MARE 200, followed by MART/MARE 300 and completed by MART/MARE 400. MART/MARE 200, 300, and 400 must be completed aboard a state training ship where they will stand navigation/engine watch, perform maintenance duties, and receive classroom instruction.

Commercial Sea Term    

Commercial Sea Term is an opportunity to sail aboard a commercial vessel, similar to an internship. This sea term would be in lieu of MART/MARE 300 and has a separate academic project tailored to the type of vessel on which the cadet sails. Cadets are selected for commercial opportunities through a competitive application process. Cadets not selected for a Commercial Sea Term will sail on the scheduled training ship for that Summer Sea Term.

MART/MARE 484    

Cadets not selected for a Commercial Sea Term still have the opportunity to sail aboard a commercial vessel and gain hands-on industry experience and sea service counting towards their license requirements. MART/MARE 484 affords cadets the chance to work with the school to get a commercial experience that will earn them sea service. Because this course does not complete the academic requirements of a Commercial Sea Term (MART/MARE 350), so cadets taking advantage of this opportunity do so in addition to the three foundational Sea Terms.